Synchronisation - Communicating with divine

@Fletal Angel number 808 - Be responsible when it comes to financial situation (8)
Connection with source (0)
If you are responsible financial flow will find it’s way to you.

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Bro, I’ve seen the number 22 what must have been more than 500 times in the most random places, do you know the meaning of this? Thanks

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I’ve answered in the other thread @Jms. Mostly when you see that number you have something on your mind. Something that is very important that has your attention.
Could be a familiy situation, could be a work situation, a spell. With this number trust that the outcome will be ok.

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322 any ideea ? thanks, It is the situation at hand etc , will be ok with the help of ascended masters , spirits ?

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2244 any thoughts on this one is new , thanks

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Hey @Silverleaf

The Ascend Masters ask you to trust in the universe, trust in spirit, trust in yourself and in the infomation you get. Gut feeling, intuition. In the other post i had a similar question only the 6 is the number of material needs. But it gives us the same advise.

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Here you almost the same message, but then from Angels (4).
Trust yourself and everything will be alright. Spirits are with you.

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also this 1717 number what this mean ? saw it when I was msg a girl XD

You can see 1717 as a compliment for hard working that is paying off. It’s basically saying your on the right path

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Thank you for this!
I mostly see 333 and 444. 127 also (i’ve even made a post about it in the past and you analysed it!). Lately i’ve been seeing feathers that are white and grey too.

333 and 444 are in this thread. 3 Ascended masters are working with and through you, 4 Angels are with you and this is a number of protection

Grey feather - There is coming peace after a storm
White is the same as the 444 number, that an Angel/Falen is close to you.

have a new one , this one is tricky 1606 :smiley:

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When the number 6 is used we have to look at balance in spiritual and material life and look at our relationship with the people we love.
Everything must be in balance. And keep a positve mindset, this will trigger manifestation in life.

1 is for manifestation, 0 is the connection to the universal source @Silverleaf

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also 737 what is that ? thanks a lot
like some ascended masters are with you to help you get aligned with ur goals and such ?

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It’s about your connection with the ascended masters, it’s there and you listen to it (your intuition/connection). And this braught you on this path.

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Also 811 thanks a lot

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Hey @Silverleaf If you stay positive and have creative ideas you will succesful financial outcome.

The number 8 is a financial number and the number 1 is for manifestation.

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What’s this ? Thanks

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And 313 thanks :hugs:

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Hey @Silverleaf , hope you are ok? You can search for 313 with ctrl-f in this page.

313 says about the connection with ascended masters, follow your intuition.

656 what is your view about materialism, just a question, I want to know if i’m right?

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