Symbolic Synchronicity

After experiencing this with my right had path New age numerology I´ve come to find that there aren´t
¨coincidences¨ for better or for worst. When I first began to wake up I was about in 4th grade, I had always questioned religion. The status quo, and authority in all forms! Around 4th grade I began to get into the idea of lucid dreaming, then astral projection, chakras, and alternative dimensional theories and soon quantum physics. I wanted to know more about the reality with which I was living. This how led me here to magick, the purest form of scared/occult knowledge behind one´s own curiosity inquisition and creative endeavors. I´ve now come full circle now I see 5 point stars and hexagrams everywhere! Along with 111, 222, 333,etc. it´s a great feeling and I’m glad to have others here with me. I hope everyone´s personal journeys are going well be sure to find the meaning in each lesson in life (it´s your prerogative tho).


When you immerse yourself in mythological reality creation using heavy ritualism to imbue your intention with deeply emotional meaning by meta-programming and psycho-spiritual linguistix you start to synch into thee abyss of the current-sea($33?)! With Aeonic and Psionic concentration backed by toroidal visualization you will empower yourself to an eternally omniversal point of no return where-whence paradoxical transcendence of all aend none happens to be at the momeant to be thee ultra-mega hyper-meta verge merging of instantiatory simultaneity.

Choose Choice.

In AlienNation of Reality on Occult Order of Glitch Warship thy Holy Other Gods orchestrate your SymchroHarmony.

Blessed Bee, what’s the buzz?

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This sounds like quantum computing stuff haha

Advanced Extraterrestrial Intelligence. AEI. You are A singularity. You are A Universe. The depth to which you define your axis of meaning is the breadth to which you determine your field of perception.

Choose Choice.

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