Supplements That Boost Psychic Power?

I’ve heard that melatonin helps the third eye a lot.

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Get this man an award, pronto!
I’ll join your Cabal/Grotto anyday.


Kinda basic, but vitamin A and C.

Spirit seems to hit me in the spring so I’ll make some “instant pickles” with cider vinegar and carrot sticks. I get a little fascinated with poetry and have grown, brined, and eaten a peck of pickled peppers (over a few days). A peck is a bit more than two gallons by the way.

Fresh acidic vegtables and loads of clean water is my method. I’m reading this thread though. Science hasn’t slowed me down yet.


nootropics for sure

noopept, piracetam, aniracetam, mushroom family( reishir, cordyceps, lions mane) etc.

alpha gpc is a good one too

ashwaganda, uridine, choline, and N-acetyl L-Cysteine


It fucks up with your circadian system so not recommended.

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Shilijat tea - lots of fulvic acid, perfect for the 3rd eye
Medical grade marijuana - more than %10 THC, hybrid is ideal (not recommended for long term use only sparringly as it can fuck up your sleep schedule and dopamine levels lol)
Tumeric + black pepper - tumeric is great for the brain but black pepper helps you absorb it into the body! :slight_smile:
Also microdosing LSD or shrooms is supposed to help people a lot. If you dont wanna go that route you can also go wall street and buy and 8 ball :+1::grin:


Taking notes. I am finally getting somewhere in my practice but it often leaves me feeling sick. Any open eyed trance visualizations really fuck with me.

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Bunch of supplements examples that’s helps with third eye in this video

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