Summoning Incantations/Invocations


I’ve noticed a lot of people ask what do i say when calling certain entities and many don’t like to just recite enns so I’ll be creating a space here for spirits incantations/Invocations/conjurations etc. I’ll be adding entity after entity too. Some of course longer than others and some could call them litanies, some moderate and some simple.


"Asmodeus, Asmoday, Ashmedai, Aeshma, Ashima, Lord Of Lust, Demon Of Wrath, Devil Upon Two Sticks, I Call And Summon You Forth Now. Asmodeus I Compel You To Rise Up, Turn You’re Three Heads Towards Me, The Eyes Of The Bull Look Upon Me, The Eyes Of The Ram Look Upon Me, The Eyes Of The Crowned One Look Upon Me Now. Asmodeus Come, Wrap Thy Serpents Tail Around Me, Breathe Your Fire Breath Into Me Now, Illuminate My Being In Your Eternal Fire.

Asmodeus The Destroying God, Asmodeus Prince And Ming, Asmodeus Ruler Of Golachab Come Forth To My Calling Now, Envelop Me In Your Power And Presence. He Who Is Called The Burning One, He Who Brings Lust And Rage, Sex And Death. Seducer Of Souls, Emerge From You’re Fiery Cavern, Lord Of Genocide Come, Prince Of Revenge And Dissobedience, He Who Cannot Be Bound And Surrenders To No Fetters, Asmodeus, Asmoday Come Forth. Lord Of Burning Desire Manifest Above Me, Lord Of The Agony Of Anguish Manifest Below Me, He Who Is The Burning Scourge Manifest Around Me, He Who Pathes The Path Of Thorns Manifest Within Me Now, Asmodeus, Asmoday, Come Forth.

Lead Me Into The Black Wastelands Of Golachab As I Lead You Here Into My Temple, As I Stand In The Circle Of Flames, In The Heart Of The Lake Of Fire To Commune With You Now, Rise Up Asmodeus And Come. Ayer Avage Aloren Asmodeus Aken, Ayer Avage Aloren Asmodeus Aken, Ayer Avage Aloren Asmodeus Aken".

Tubal Qayin

"I call and summon forth Tubal Qayin,
The maker of sharp weapons come forth,
Come to my temple and manifest,
From the forge of the underworld, Tubal Qayin, Master Of The Primal Fire, come.
Divine Blacksmith, the horned God of all creation and destruction.

I summon the son of Zillah and Lamech, brother of Naamah, The Lady Of The Gate. Father Of War, Arise From The Bowels Of The Earth.
Emerge from volcanic depths and dark caverns, and teach me the secrets of the ancient crafts. Fireworker and Metal-shaper, open the way to your workshop, show me the mysteries of divine fire and let me harness the serpent force within.

Strong-handed craftsman and Invincible warrior, guide me on the way to the path of the hammer and sword. So that I may walk the path of triumph and victory, cleansed and forged in your Eternal flame.
Tubal Qayin, father of invention and technology, show me how to destroy and create the world. By the power of sacred heat and the craft of shaping. Come to me now with your tools and weaponry, teach me the art of transmutation and reveal the primal fire".



Belial Lawless One, Wicked One, Angel Of Darkness, Worthless One, Guardian Of The Gates, Lord Of The Abyss, Scorpion King, I Call And Summon You Forth. Lawless One, Ancient Royalty, Rebellious One, Lord Of The World. Belial Come Forth Now And Come. Belial, Beli’al, Beliar, Beli’ol, Belilli, I call you by you’re many names. Rise from the Infernal empire now, hear my voice, see my signs and do not forsake me.

Lirach Tasa Vefa Wehlc Belial X4
Itz Ra Cha Belial X4

Belial Lord Of Abysmal Depths, I Bid You Welcome, May I Bathe In Your Darkness, Your Essence, Power and spirit. Belial manifest above me now, below me, around me and within me now. Belial Lord Of Anarchy, I seek audience with you now, I seek your council I give you this call to call. Belial come, Belial come, Belial come, Belial come, Belial come.

Belial Enemy of Tyrants, God of outcasts, Scourge of the righteous, Belial rise to my calling, Evil Chief I conjure you Forth Now. Nighttime ruler of the underworld, trespasser beyond the gates, master without master, he who bows to none, adversary to hierarchical order, he who is without yoke without chains or shackles.

Lirach Tasa Vefa Wehlc Belial X4
Itz Ra Cha Belial X4


"Samael, Samsama’il, Samail, Samiel, Sammael, Samil, Sa’el, Shemal, Satanael,
I call and summon you forth by your many names, come forth now rise up and come.
Venom of divinity, Angel of death, Seducer and Adversary, hear my voice, see my signs and do not forsake me. Lover, consort, lustful companion and counterpart to queen Lilith. O’Samael enflame me with your essence, Father of Demons, lord of domination, come forth now, rise up from the abysmal depths of the infernal regions and descend upon me now. Monarch of shadows, bringer of destruction destroy the foundations of my blindness so I may see you truly. Samael Venom of God, destroy the barriers upon my ears so I may hear you, Samael deconstruct the illusions which pervade me so I may truly commune with you in this dark hour.

Samael prince of transgression lead me upon the path of the night, Samael the grand accuser reveal the tongues of falsehood and turn me away from the blinding light of arrogance. Samael I bid you welcome may my voice echo through the worlds beyond and may you know the intent behind them. Samael who is called Sa’el the One True God, come now. Samael who is called Shemal, Lord Of The Earth, come now. Samael he who is called Yaltabaoth, the fire that consumes the world, come now. Samael he who is called Saklas, the son of chaos, come now. He who has countless names, forms, shapes and faces, ancient serpent of the lair rise up and coil around me now".


"Satanachia I call and summon you forth,
Commander in-chief of Satan’s army hear me,
I give you this call to come, Satanchia come.
Satanachia, Satanackia, Chia, Come now.
Admirer of the holy maiden, He who chases the daughters of man, infernal general come forth now, speak to my hearing, speak to my sight, show me your power and show me your might.
Charismatic spawn of hell, he who holds sway of the feminine both physical and spiritual, he who rules fifty four legion of spirits, Satanachia come.

Satanachia come, rise up now and greet me in the shadows and darkness of the world, blacken all illumination which hinders your coming, Satanachia come, weaver of seduction, enchanter of dreams, insatiable and cunning Satanachia I give you this call to come, Satanachia come, Satanachia come".


I call and summon you forth,
King Of Earth, Ruler Of The North,
He who is called Ghob come now.
Hear my voice, see my signs
And do not forsake me now, rise up.
I give you this call to come, Ghob come.
Elemental King, the earth trembles in your coming and opens up, volcanos erupt, and the plates of the planet dance beneath me.
Ghob manifest above me, manifest around me, manifest below me, manifest within me now. Lord of the wilderness, keeper and treasurer of mother natures spoils. Rise up around me now, Come Ghob, come. Ghob Veniet Rex Magnus Super Terra X5

(More coming soon)



"I call and summon you forth Asarte,
Praise be onto thee Astarte,
Astarte, Astart, Ashtoreth, Ishtar, Inanna
She with many names.
The doves take flight as you rise,
The horses gallop as you descend upon the earth, the lioness roars in you’re presence, the chariots of the battlefield hault in your coming.

Kula Mana Tule Varak,
Kula Mana Tule Varak,
Kula Mana Tule Varak.

Goddess of love, Goddess of war,
Mother of sex, Mother of battle.
Asarte in the morning star,
Fierce warring beauty.
Astarte in the evening star,
The passionate compassionate lover.
Queen of the earth, Queen of the heavens,
Queen of the underworld, Astarte she who comes riding the grand chariot.

Kula Mana Tule Varak,
Kula Mana Tule Varak,
Kula Mana Tule Varak"



"I call out to the coiling one, king over all the sons of pride, I rouse him forth the darkened abysmal depths, come forth Leviathan I call you by you’re many names. Leviathan, Livyatan, Rahab, Liwyāṯān, rise up now and come. Dragon Of the apocalypse, seven-headed beast, monster of the sea, lord of storm and lightning, speak to my hearing, speak to my sight, show me your power, show me your might, come, Spawn Of Envy, Leviathan come.

He who swallows the setting sun in the west, ancient serpent who slumbering in the underworld of soul, wherein knowledge and power await to be re-awakened. Leviathan rise up now, who’s back is made of rows of shields, from your mouth issue forth flaming torches from which leaps forth fire. Out of your nostrils coalesces poisonous smoke, which dismantle reality and tares down the illusionary constructs of the world, Leviathan rise up. Leviathan who’s heart is akin to hard stone, who’s seething breath stirs the sea’s, who’s eyes are like the eyelids of the dawn, arrive with lightning and thunder which tares the world apart, Leviathan rise up and come.


"Metatron, prince of the divine presence,
Chief angel of the heavenly hosts come,
I call and summon you forth, Metatron.
Prince of countenance, the second throne,
Metatron, he who’s majestic crown of fourty nine stones shine their luminance into the four quarters of heaven, descend upon me now.

Metatron lord of wisdom, power and all angelic virtues. Monarch of prudence, life, grace, favour and love. Metatron descend upon me now, herald of humility, sustenance, mercy and reverence. He who knoweth of all the mysteries known and unknown. Metatron join me now, may all the seraphim and the angels of ascension come to me too. May you bless me with your presence, surround me in your flames of ascent and ignite the fire of eternity within me.

Metatron I invoke thee, he who opens the gates to godhood and ascension, he who purges weakness and replaces it with strength and power. Sustainer of existence, representative of the divine, envelop me in your light and raise me to you’re vibration, so my heart, mind and spirit shall be aligned to you.

Agios Est Metatron Veni
Magister Et Angelus Divum X10".


**Aisha Quandisha"

Aisha Qandisha, Kandisha, seductress,
Arise from your forbidden waters, come.
Hoofed ruthless one, beguiling one arise.
Praise be onto thee who’s Irresistability
Brings obsession, madness and Insanity.
Aisha Qandisha, Sacred whore of the hot desert sands arise and come forth. For you are sex and violence, for you are seduction and genocide, for you are lust and madness, for you are expression and strength.

Aisha Qandisha, she who’s top half is that of a beautiful maiden, she’s who’s lower half bares the animalistic hoofs. She who has driven men to delirium and Instability, do not install such malevolence onto me. For I call you in adoration, respect and reverence.

Oh temple harlot, she who has been called the countess, she who is called witch, she who is called jinn, she who is called by many names and titles. I draw you near now, caster of glamour and illusions, devourer and murderer, demoness of the rivers, she who is known as, The Opener. Arise and come forth, Lady of Marrakech, spreader of contagious psychosis, she who allure men and women like the sirens of the depths, Aisha Qandisha come now".


Master Kendall, I know this is an old post but please share some other incantation for Lucifer, Rashoon, Lilith, and so on…thanks


Kendall please we need more of this.
It’s very necessary please


So well done!!!