Good day! Is there anyone here know hows to summon an entity/demon/angel using tarot cards? Thanks for those who knows and who will reply.
Tarot cards are one of the main divination method. For summoning there are other ways.
I just name two of them:
- gazing/scrying sigil method
- pathworking
I believe, there is a Tutorial on this forum called Simple Demonic Evocation Guide or similiar.
In the Golden Dawn, there is an angel called Hua, who is supposed to preside over the tarot and evocation. I believe it is a guardian or servitor possibly.
You can actually invoke any entity you wish, example:
“Dear Lucifer, I ask you to lay invisibly your hands upon these consecrated cards of art, to deliver a true and faithful message to the answer we seek.”
“Dear Gabriel, I ask you to lay invisibly your hands upon these consecrated cards of art, to deliver a true and faithful message to the answer we seek.”
Thank you so much for this. Brother really appreciate it.
Thanks for this as well nightside. Anyways nightside, are you good with chaos magick? Can u feel an aura or an entity once you see the sigil?
Not at this point. I am not working with chaos magic, although I am trying to create order out of chaos. Clairsentience I have at a basic level - can feel a presence, tactile (touch) hallucinations, feel people staring at me, etc.
Oh so you mean if i show you one sigil you wont feel anything of it unless you touch it? Is that what you mean? Or maybe u can feel its presence