Suicidal but fearing death

Im too weak for this torture called life

If you are unhappy here you will be unhappy there. My understanding of the afterlife is that there is no pearly gates heaven and no fire and brimstone hell and even if there was you still won’t be able to escape yourself, your mind and your issues in either place.

Instead there will be higher and lower planes. Most likely if you commit suicide you will end up on a lower plane so yeah filled with unsavory stuff and your issues you are trying to escape will just manifest there but in the physical. You will still have to deal with it. If you realize where and what’s happening which most don’t you can work on ascending to higher planes but in every scenario on every plane you will have to do the work on yourself spiritually. You can do it here or you can do it there…you will still have to do it. Even if you managed to be reincarnated straight away in your new life you would still have to do it. Keep in mind you will be the same soul regardless or what plane you are on or what body you inhabit.

This isn’t me trying to talk you out of anything. Just saying your time would be spent more productively trying to find a solution to what ever it is rather than running away because like I said you will have to face it eventually.

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Reading em right now.

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I’ll start a new topic dont answer me here

basicallly those who contemplate suicide are having negative thoughts about their troubled life. Due to the negativity, the see life as murk and evil and bad which attract bad things so it goes in cycles. One have to train self to not be in negative emotion/thoughts. Learn to love self and see good in things even if it isn’t going well. THe energy one create will attract better things in life. IT just take some time for the universe to make thing happen. Unfortunately we aren’t conditioned to be in good state all the time so it’s hard to stay in positive mode. ONe little thing goes wrong and we go back into negative mode. It’s basically habits of thought. One have to do something to get out of the mind so as to not have so much bad self talk or bad thoughts. Well, there’s no good or bad, just how we perceive them and use them. Some people use negative events as springboard to motivate themselves to get better. All depends on person’s mentality. And some use it to feel bad and stay there. It all comes down to thought process. How can one change one’s thought process to be more productive? hypnosis can help.

No. You’re misinterpreting what I said.

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