Suicidal but fearing death

I always thought of this , there’s no escaping you’ll get reincarnated , Find a purpose and live,

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I fricken knew it…im not a ninja… Well better to find out now then half way through lmao


Human beings also have a very unique gift of an ability of creating the most complex and miserable hellish forms of suffering and mental anguish not afforded to most other beings.
This same ability, of creation, can certainly be used to create wonderful things, in a lot of ways that’s magick…
I take a very Nietzsche-Ian sort of opinion on our suffering personally. Take it all in stride with a smile as a spit in the face of the demiurge.

Just posted this quote on my Instagram last night

“The cure for suffering : … The evil of suffering is cured by more suffering, by higher suffering. .
Do not take opium, but put salt and vinegar in the soul’s wound, for when you sleep and no longer feel the suffering, you are not. And to be, that is imperative. .
Do not then close your eyes to the agonizing Sphinx, but look her in the face and let her seize you in her mouth and crunch you with her hundred thousand poisonous teeth and swallow you. .
And when she has swallowed you, you will know the sweetness of the taste of suffering.”

  • Miguel de Unamuno .

Even spirituality aside (considering that you may have some doubts on the afterlife) take into account that even a shotgun blast to the head doesn’t have a 100% mortality rate, and that there are around 20-40 attempted suicides for every completed suicides, the afterlife may not even be your biggest concern right now, you may be setting yourself up for a long life of endless suffering in this life… I suggest you think very carefully before making a decision here.


Fair enough, but I also have to share this because it is a very difficult topic for a lot of people, inclduing those who have lost someone they love to suicide:

If you, or anyone else, are having thoughts of hurting yourself, it is important that you discuss them with someone who is qualified to help, such as a crisis helpline in your country. Please visit this link to find the appropriate number:

If you feel that you may be an immediate danger to yourself, please call your local emergency number or go to your local hospital emergency room right away. If you are unsure of the right number to call, please visit this link and call the number next to the country where you are located:

Please seek help from a medical professional if that’s where you’re at right now, your thinking may be overwhelmed by your current situation, so reaching out for help in the offline world is important.

Here are some additional contacts, also for anyone else who finds this topic and is feeling the same way:

US: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)

US LGBTQ Youth (the Trevor Project): 1-866-488-7386

US Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 (press 1)

Canada: 1-800-784-2433

International: Befrienders Worldwide

Australia: 13-11-14 (lifeline) or 1-800-55-1800 (kids help line for 5-25 yrs old)

UK Samaritans: 116 123 (UK) & 116 123 (ROI) free of charge, or e-mail: [email protected]

People who have a helpline or other online resources they have found useful in their own location are welcome to send me the link and I will add it. :+1:

Almost every country has a similar crisis line and people who are waiting to hear you out, and help as much as possible.

This might also help, if you can’t talk to anyone right now, no matter how supportive:


While this is not necromancy, perhaps this ritual maybe of some interest to you in terms of letting things go and “experiencing” a death so to speak. Feel free to check it out, as it helped me out during a pretty dark part in my own life. Mediating in a swamp or grave may serve as a good way to connect with the dead as well (swamps are natural areas where seeing death, life and decay occur within close distance is a bit more easy to achieve than other natural areas).


I was told by spirits that the frequency you pick up during your physical life will affect where you end up in the spirit world and of course how your life will be which means if you’re suicidal then you have a pretty negative frequency but still I haven’t been dead so I don’t know for sure

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Okay, if anyone is looking for me in 100 or so years, ya’ll keep your eyes open at your local city garbage disposal :wave:t2:

Not in the position to tell you that you should or shouldn’t do it, you know your own limits and to what conditions you’re staying or leaving.
If your instinct is already telling you to fear death/afterlife/whatever that is that happens after you had your last breath you aren’t probably finished here, tho. Hooray :tada::tada:


And what is that supposed to mean exactly ?

Exactly how I wrote it :thinking:

Oh you mean you’ve became negative sorry didn’t get it at first👍

@Jared33 Well death is nothing to fear, we incarnate, however when you do die violently or commit suicide there are repercussions, I would look first into a term called Miasma, then another term called Ancestral Trauma so you know what it’s going to do to those you love. If you want to talk about anything, or need an unconditional, judgment-free chat feel free to message me.


The realm of the dead is still the same essence, i.e. consciousness. However, since the attachment to the illusion of physical consciousness is eliminated, it’s an incredibly liberating experience. There may be one thing to consider: why do you want to die?

If you’re afraid you’re not there.
If you truly wanted to shuffle the mortal coil, the consequences wouldn’t even register.
Suicide is wholly a selfish act, without regard for consequence or anyone’s feelings in the matter.
My advice is to suck it up and carry on with your existence.
Everyone gets sad, everyone gets down, everyone at some point things everything would be easier if they weren’t around.
But we get the fuck over it.


@Jared33 So, how are you today ?

I hope you don’t mind my asking.

Feel free to send me a pm if you like.
I’ve suffered from suicidal ideation in days past as well as self harming, which I moved past.
I’m proudly no longer self harming although I have some vicious scars.

All the best.

I’ve read somewhere that if you suicide, you loop the suicide death over and over until you supposedly lifeline time of death is done. Let’s say you suppose to live for 80 yrs and you kill yourself at 38. then you will experience your death over and over til your 80, your time of scheduled death. so that means 42 yrs of looping same death. That’s if fate is true and death works like that. I think source is from a psychic or something. Don’t know if it’s true though.

I’ve pondered suicide from philosophy point of view. I think to myself. what ifs… thinking about all possible outcome . Then i think to myself. i won’t know what the future holds . IT might be better or worse. . It’s like a story. you want to know the ending. So you suck it up and do what you can with life. I’m not attached to this life. Just going with flow and see what i can do with the situation. Even though i don’t like it now . I’m here so. might as well continue on with it. See who i can help or waiting for any good surprises. Maybe another special someone will come to help be my shining knight.

As for @anon482649 being hidden. She did say she’s going into hiding for a month. haha. =o) Site made it hard for others to seek her as it’s her wish. It’s ok. my friend can play hide and seek with me.

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Never hiding from my friend. Just trying to hold myself accountable and not waste time on the internet and social media (it’s an actual addiction for me) but instead im trying to be productive and use this site to learn. Obviously I suck at hide and seek and not caving into my addictions lmao.

Ah i’ve been there but i didnt have the guts to do it for some reasons, if u want someone to talk
PM me
Maybe we can be suicidal buddies

Wtf, you’re encouraging him to kill himself??

I think evox meant "suicide pondering"anonymous buddies. hasn’t actually happened.