Suggest Ideas To Make This Program Amazing

As you know E.A. and I are underway in the creation of Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence.

As you may also know, evocation is E.A.'s bread and butter- his true master skill.

We make these programs to help you improve your power - showing you what you want to learn, and what we think you need to learn to advance and excel.

Be specific, and tell us what exactly you’d like inside this program.

What specifically do you want to learn. Be as advanced and exotic, or as simple and basic as you wish.

Of course, we’ll collect and consider all the feedback and responses we get.

I hope you’re enjoying Mastering Divination, because you’ll need the power of your spiritual senses for this upcoming course.

How about including a footage of a materialized spirit?
That would really break bones!

Also it’d be nice to have a more transparent Content presentation: for instance, I’d like to go with the omniscience program, but I’m afraid most of it is about using tarot (which I don’t have a liking to), runes (which are foreign to me), spirit board (which again don’t find too appealing) ~ it would’ve been nice to go a bit more hardcore.

For instance I was terribly interested in skrying though, particularly every form of elemental (water, fire, sky, stone etc), I later found out that is included, but I don’t know to what extent. If it’s only minor then…

Also, the fundaments of building an inner temple, from the dark magic perspective would be a nice addition too.

And, a clear content presentation would be like: what exactly is this program comprised of, first part, second part etc. and how much (% maybe? just an idea ) is dedicated to each aspect.

Hope my post didn’t come across as too critical or demanding :slight_smile:

EA has said in the past he tried to get footage of spirits but could only get orbs to show up, this was in one of his older interviews though so maybe he found a way around that barrier since then? Another idea, if its too hard to capture spirit footage would be to get the spirit to do something observable. For example get Hentyos to accelerate the molecular structure of a boulder so it shatters, or get a spirit to move something.

Some details on invocation and its uses would be nice, I realise it wouldn’t be the focus but I don’t feel the program would be complete without some details.

In order for this to be a stand-alone program, there needs to be a sufficient amount of work dedicated to mastering the theta-gamma sync, invoking omniscience, and the like. I’m certain this is already fully incorporated, but as the fulcrum of the system, I felt it needed mentioning.

I think it would also be worth covering some alternatives to invoking omniscience, or explaining why alternatives aren’t needed. What I mean is that a number of fledgling black magicians, surrounding themselves with infernal darkness, have expressed some difficulty with the idea of infusing themselves with divine light…

Yes, Invocation also.
This and the Black Magic Program are the two I am REALLY looking forward to. I’m sure whatever E.A. puts out for us will be amazing. I am a huge follower of his work (like most here). If E.A. had his own “order” again, I would devote myself to it. His methods are easy to understand, his writing is amazing and his techniques work.
Anyway, I do not expect to actually see a demon materialize in the video. If it does, it will be amazing, I’m just not expecting it. Perhaps if he runs an EVP session, it will pick up other voices.
Examples/stories of his own experiences are always enjoyable to hear. I would like him to go through simple evocations with minimal “tools” to the grand evocations where you go all it.
Maybe explain more on his thoughts on the hierarchy. How he selects which demon he wants to work with.
Not sure how many different demons E.A. will work with in this, but maybe he could go over some of the different energies of the demons and how it could affect us in a negative way. Does he do something different when working with Marbas so that he does not become sick from the energies?

My only complaint will be it will be too short as I could watch 100+ hours on this subject. ; )
I can’t wait!

777c, I definitely want to put as much hardcore material in here. I’m looking at talking about how to bind and trap spirits that you’ve evoked, how to evoke entities that most people think are “un-evokable,” how to summon legions of spirits in one ritual, etc.

In the Mastering Divination course, I actually spend less time with a scrying mirror than the other forms of scrying. Fire scrying, blood scrying, water scrying. It gets pretty intense. I also get into channeling, necromancy, spirit communication, etc. I think that you’d get a lot out of all 3GP programs!

Yes I’m actually going to go beyond simple “invocation” and go into full possession! The last time I forced a demon into a person’s body, it messed her up quite a bit, so finding volunteers will be interesting!

Based on these suggestions, I’m going to re-tailor this program to spend more time showing you how to get into the theta/gamma sync and the rapture, as well as the hierarchy and selecting spirits for the task.

I honestly don’t know if any spirits will be captured on film. It may happen, or may not.

Thank you for these suggestions, and keep them coming!

I’d also like, in the supplementary material, a reference book listing the names, sigils, descriptions and uses for a whole bunch of spirits. I think if this course is to be the stand alone, penultimate guide to evocation it needs to list more spirits than I could probably find time to work with, really make it the one stop shop so to speak.

Agreed. However I would also add that Id love to see a list of spirits that we can work through as a pathworking to increase our ascent and our own personal power. Doesn’t have to be indepth or necessarily demonic vs angelic. Just a list of say 5 spirits that we can work with from start to finish that will catapult our own personal power and control over this world.

Maybe a bit about how to get rid of unwanted spirits, temple cleansing and protection. Besides that, more information about how to deal with the psychological/energetic effects of intense spiritual contacts and how to rebalance oneself would be great.


EA … If you are serious about needing volunteers for possession I personally know two people that will for in a heartbeat… Let me know so arrangements can be made.


Evocation of godforms

[quote=“E.A., post:8, topic:598”]Yes I’m actually going to go beyond simple “invocation” and go into full possession! The last time I forced a demon into a person’s body, it messed her up quite a bit, so finding volunteers will be interesting!

Based on these suggestions, I’m going to re-tailor this program to spend more time showing you how to get into the theta/gamma sync and the rapture, as well as the hierarchy and selecting spirits for the task.

I honestly don’t know if any spirits will be captured on film. It may happen, or may not.

Thank you for these suggestions, and keep them coming![/quote]

I might be down for doing this, but would I be able to pick which spirit you use for this?

[quote=“E.A., post:8, topic:598”]Yes I’m actually going to go beyond simple “invocation” and go into full possession! The last time I forced a demon into a person’s body, it messed her up quite a bit, so finding volunteers will be interesting!

Based on these suggestions, I’m going to re-tailor this program to spend more time showing you how to get into the theta/gamma sync and the rapture, as well as the hierarchy and selecting spirits for the task.

I honestly don’t know if any spirits will be captured on film. It may happen, or may not.

Thank you for these suggestions, and keep them coming![/quote]
I volunteer for anything that I can help with. Anything from tech to evokation/possession subject. And something I’d love to see included would be something like…“summoning imagination” like…honestly cartoon or book characters and things like that. I forget where I read that but I know that these can be summoned as well so I’d love to see something on this no matter how minimal.

I think at this point E.A. has several people flying in cross-country, and driving in locally, to help as volunteers.

Are you able to travel to the location of the filming to participate? If not, we likely have no use for you, although thank you for the offer.

What does it feel like to be possessed? Or where is your soul when your possessed ? Or is the soul possessed or just the body? How about the mind?
I had a dream I was being possessed and it felt like a bad mushroom trip where I’m loosing control of myself and panicking? Maybe it was nothing but a dream I’m not sure I was fine upon waking up only being scared shitless for an hour or so.
Also If E.A. has summoned Gods what the hell do they say to him upon arrival? I mean I cant even contemplate that shit, I would think they would be furious or seeing them could make you go insane or deaf.
Also the possession of a cat introducing the course had me spitting red bull allover my damn keyboard, said user you owe me $20 bucks damn it lol. There is never a dull moment reading here on the forum wonderful insightful info and good laughs to boot!

A course which gets into how to obtain the power to do stuff like telekinesis, creating a flame in your palm or shooting lightning from the hands would be great. Also physical teleportation.

Meanwhile, in the twilight zone …