Succubus influence?

I think that the only thing that is preventing a full scale demon waifu invasion is that people are too lazy to actually develop their psychic skills in order to interact with their succubi properly


Just wondering, just in case, i do plan to practice baneful magick.

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In my experience, demons don’t waste their time getting into arguments with me. If the order I gave them was not optimal, they either do what is best for me regardless of what I ordered or they simply refuse to obey in a polite way (with gestures)

I probably do the same if my summoner wanted me to do something baneful. I wouldn’t care about their motive.

They usually refuse to hurt people who they deem unworthy of punishment, however, they won’t stop you from doing the working yourself unless the results would be detrimental to you

Their morals are different then ours.

Different than yours

Other humans question my morals, its best if i don’t share it here

Trust me i have read a lot in here. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Try me.

At times I think that sexy waifus would be great. Sometimes it looks fantastic, then I think how it that any different than anything else that breeds, replicates, makes more, gathers more, etc etc. Ascension to what? Power for what? This… that… round and round we go never stopping like some hobo going from existence to existence. We see things as a hoarding keeping this and that be it a soul, consciousness, things, affecting time, space, existence, etc. But does it matter? In a single thought you can make every thing in existence petty and pathetic and IT IS!

I think of things that are dead. They’re gone. Things I’ve never seen, heard of, experienced in a vastness of everything. I don’t even know it exists or ever did. Words by man are just that in any tome. Vibrations and sensations by entities are just that and what truth do any of them hold? For what? People talk of spiritual wars and its just pathetic.

Power is hoarding.
Control is hoarding.
Replication and legacy is hoarding.

Honestly, everything is so utterly pointless and these drugs to make us feel good for xyz point of existing is just pointless. In the end big game do you think we should honestly care what Lucifer, Yahweh, Thor, Zeus, etc etc wants? They’re bored! They are so utterly bored so this scenario is played out again and again and again infin in this reincarnation replication process. This program is so beyond existentially ancient and copied through and through that its beyond pointless. It is so fucking laughable that anything in this programming thinks its important. I mean everything points to just what we would call CODE. I’m sure its tried to been erased to the VOID or overloaded to the BANG and it fails again and again and again. The code gets lost into this sleepy dream we fabricate. And how can we even be so damn sure any other thing is real and it isn’t our tiny bit of code creating what it thinks is awareness but its just a preprogrammed bit of hoarded code somewhere.

Fear/terror be it in the form of shame, loss, pain, envy, rage, lust, etc etc just recycles again and again to control. Nothing is ever enough either. When you get it all to a point you will get bored. So morals? Its a game. I can’t see how existing isn’t anything more than a game and the only big bad fear is that OFF BUTTON.

I think of lust as a drug and a distraction and as a therapy of sorts but then that core thought of that SPARK of beginning inception always wonders WHY. It honestly wouldn’t matter if as an individual I could collapse star systems or entire multiverses (or maybe we can but just not the ones we inhabit). I know pain sucks and I know when you are dying something changes and for some you don’t care.

And then there is empathy that totally makes lust look like dust and nothing. Actual feeling and you wonder why and what for? It isn’t always negative nor always positive but is. Does a succubus influence that? Is it only out for its survival and thus basically really is just a parasite like many things. Aren’t we parasites to this world? If we got beyond this planet, this star system and galaxy, then wouldn’t we pollute that as well in an ever-expanding lust for MORE? It never ends and probably never will.

I’ve been told before that empathy, being absorbed by something else, or even being erased is foolish and stupid but that happens. This world, planet, star will reabsorb, galaxy the dead and probably change it in a cycle. And if it does that in the physical who’s to say the spiritual isn’t the same. That big ole safety net everyone thinks they have and that security of FOREVER just might not be there. I mean it might but NOT how we as individuals want it.

At least while you have consciousness and awareness you can strive to whatever goal you have. Whether it is or isn’t important to another shouldn’t be what drives you. Just do you while you can. Any other being, should just stay the fuck out of what you decide for self destiny be it a delusion or something else.

I know that’s nothing new nor thought provoking but when I seek deeper meanings it really does look all unimportant. Not sure if that’s a negative or a positive tbqh.

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I actually have the same thing happen to me, as my partner L (it’s a plutonic relationship, but that’s what I call her) is a succubus. Being around L so much brings merges her aura with my own, which causes many cases of attraction around me, which neither of us realized until recently. Unfortunately because we’re very close, its strong enough to cause more scenarios of negativity rather than positive ones. I don’t know your scenario, but from what I’ve learned, yes, she could be purposefully influencing people, or she might not even realize it because she’s a succubus and has a natural power of attraction.

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It has been two months since I made this post and a lot has changed in my life. I have had some events that I can explain happen. All have been positive and they just keep getting better. I think ever since she came to me I have become a better person. I appreciate my life a lot more and I value things in a different way. Sometimes it seems like I was destined for her but it is hard to think that way because of how common it is for people to think this. I would love to here more about your experiences with her!

Glad that you’re doing good, keep that up… Don’t forget to buy her a Valentine’s present.

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