Stupid cities, no place to practice

My issue is that I spent so much time learning how to scry and visualize without implements (eyelid scrying), that I can’t use a crystal ball or mirror or anything to scry. My mind’s eye is quite well developed, but I can’t use it with my eyes open particularly well…

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I can see images in the static pretty well…

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I can see auras to a degree, although not ‘in colour’ like a lot of people describe auras as. When I do an evocation, I focus more on the feeling of them there and what they say, instead of caring how they manifest.

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As a fellow Phoenix resident I have been trying to do everything in an astral temple.


I made a really cool astral Temple , I’m working on solidifying it now.


That’s awesome. I’m still working on mine. Been having issues staying in a meditative state.

I know the feeling bro.
Sorry to hear.
How have you been? Haven’t heard from you in years. I hope all is well? Feel free to call or text, I miss the kids. It’s been forever. Never thought I’d bump into you here.
Miss you lots buddy.


Where the fuck have you been?!?!?

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I left Facebook on and off throughout the years…I had too many stalkers…I’ll tell you over the phone one day lol.
But yeah, I’ve always been here for y’all, but I never got any call or text…I thought y’all moved on…

I know how you feel man. I live in New York. A city full of noise, bad vibed people, drug addicts, and to add insult to injury. I live in a studio with mom, dad and dickhead older brother. My parents always tell me to stop making excess smoke. And sometimes we even fight. Hell to take it to the extreme. Back in February 2018 when I was doing my middle pillar ritual and I was in near zen state, my brother stumbled upon my ritual. He was supposed to be gone for the weekend, but surprisingly he came home. I was sooo enraged that I hit him with a frying pan in the head, in front of my parents and got kicked out of home for a week. My first night homeless was during a blizzard. I can sympathize with you there :hugs: we should talk more to each other and help each other get out of our blocked homes and cities if possible. Good day to you buddy :hugs:

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No where to practice in the city -
Answers :

Find somewhere that associates with the ritual.
Just go there and meditate.

I used to practice in downtown Miami… doesn’t get much worse than that.

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Tip incoming: the 25th Dec is a good day to practice positive stuff like strengthening links to your spirits, western cities are usually at their quietest on that day, and the people who are living there are usually indoors from sheer lack of things being open, if nothing else, and either happy with family/friends. or sad and lonely, most are a bit of both.

So energetically you can surf that emotion and use it to build your own links, to ancestors, to patron deities, to spirits who appeal to you, but you have not yet made contact or forged an alliance, etc. :sparkles: :christmas_tree: :sparkling_heart:

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I actually recommend people to go to Church as much as a lot of the LHP and RHP hate it.
The 25th is an amazing time to collect and focus on energy. It’s free and everywhere on the 25th. It’s Christmas of course.

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It might actually be goo thing: magic doesn’t depend on adherence to ritual but on structure of consciousness. A ritual’s potency is relative to how easily it enables you to align with a given outcome. It is spirit or universal mind (which is one with your own) that produces the result not the ritual although it is a great tool. Just improvise. Perhaps get vapes or something. The imagination is the key.

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