Struggling reading my tarot cards that keep coming up?

I get the lovers. the tower and the 2 of swords in my future position and I can’t really understand what it is trying to tell me?

I hate the Tower card and I am now worried


Don’t be worried, the way I see it is that your going to go through an abrupt change with the tower card that although will take you by surprise it is necessary for you to begin the next stage of your life where you’ll be rebuilding what was lost through the tower so you can grow as a person. With the two of swords it’s best to try and remain calm and balanced, keep your mind open to all option and choices that you’ll find yourself surrounded by.


Thanks! is the big change going to happen with love as it is in the sequence of Lovers, Tower and 2 of swords as a recovery?

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Really good video about the Tower.


Yikes! thanks for this.


His videos are the best for tarot learning.

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Thanks so much. I will enjoy looking at the rest of them.x

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The Tower (XVI) is the 16th trump or Major Arcana card in most Italian-suited Tarot decks. The Tower is commonly interpreted as meaning danger, crisis, destruction, and liberation. It is associated with sudden unforseen change.

In this case and with the other mentioned cards the Tower represents change. I know that the card itself looks unnerving. The kind of event that the Tower card marks does not have to be something terrible, like a disaster or a great loss. Change itself is a normal part of life that one has to embrace. But it can sometimes strike fear, for it means that we must let go of the truths or events that we have known. The old ways are no longer useful, and you must find a new set of values to take there place.


The way I see it
The lovers are indicating you that you have to make a choice in order to commit with someone or some issue, this card appeals to your personal values, you have to make the choice according to them
the 2 of swords indicate you are in between two options still not making the choice and its inciting you to make it
the tower in the middle is the warning if you don’t make the choice whether is a good or a bad choice for you, disaster will come.
in one word ,dare
I wouldn’t read them in a lineal way cause both cards at the sides are alike in some way
so in between the indecision there is chaos and disaster, the only way to avoid it is to make any choice but to make it
(review your values to make the choice and to commit)