Structuring hasn't worked for me

Hi, I have been practicing structuring. I learned this from Mastering Evocation & Posession. EA says it gives you the ability to see and hear spirits. I have also been visualizing myself in different places using all my senses with the hope that this also helps me to see and hear spirits. No luck at it. I’m really sad and looking for advice. I’m losing hope.

What is it that you are expecting in this regard? Are you expecting to start seeing something solid standing before you?

As @Faustus asked what are you expecting?
My first thought about evocation many years ago was basicly what i did see in movie that the entity would stand ingrott of me in the flesh so to speak. The basic term visualisation was for along time mystic to me until i learned that it was basicly a fancy word for imagine.
For all evocation a medium for the entity is optional unless you can have a ”vision” of it all, the medium is what shows the entity, beeing it a scrying mirror, crystal bowl or incense, If you use blood that some do then it will be in your minds eye unless you kill an animal in Cold condition and the heat from the blood will give the entity substance to form.
When i really started practicing i first learned what i had misstaken in terms of expectation that would be Hollywood style evocation, but after understanding that and focusing on the astral senses i have started to ”see” things in my normal day but so far only glimtars but unmisstakely something thats not really there but my astral senses sees or hears it and for that reason i can look up at a point again and what i did see seconds ago is now gone.

Thanks for your answers. Yeah, I’m expecting to see the spirit standing in front of me. I’ve had this skill before and that’s what happened, but I don’t know how I developed it. I simply practiced a lot of magickal techniques that I came across at the time.

The vision of the spirit generally happens in the inner vision first. Sometimes that happens with enough intensity that its hard to tell if its internal or external. Just keep at it and learn to trust yourself.

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