Strong garlic smell out of nowhere?

Hello everyone, first, I know the title is probably laughable, but, yeah, it happened. While I was running on a treadmill out of nowhere came a very strong garlic smell as if someone was cooking with it and I know that it could’ve been sweat or maybe other people in the gym, but I was the only person there and I wasnt really that deep into training. So yeah, could there be perhaps an entity associated with that smell?

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Did you encounter any Mediterranean person at the gym?

We like to cook with a shit ton of garlic.


No, only people from my city were there before me, but they left a few mins after I had begun my workout.

Could it be a possibility that someone who lives there was cooking with garlic and the smell went through the ventilation tubes?

There isnt ventilation there, just some windows, but they were closed since the AC was running.

Garlic has a high Sulphur content. Sulphur smell is linked to certain entities. Have you been doing a lot of Demonic work recently? Just a though given the other suggestions do not fit

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Well, garlic was used in some superstition traditions due to its similar smell to sulfur (as it has it itself), and it is a very primal ingredient in Alchemy.
Sulfur represents the soul and fire, as well as Leviathan.

As lovely @anon94321331 said, any recent demonic workings with Leviathan?

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Only evocation I ever did was last sunday with Duke Sallos for a second time, other than that I havent done any demonic work nor I have worked with Leviathan in past, by the way, Duke Sallos is my first ever evocation I had done.


Then there you have it.

Demonic hell fire. Manifestation? Sulfur smell, as a way to confirm with you that you had success contacting the entity. You even may have some entities lurking at you.


It could be a boring and mundane reason like someone spilt a garlic juice containing health smoothie. It could also be a demonic attachment on the lower end of the scale that clung on after evocation.

I have never had this,but I read of others describe it like burnt match heads. Just watch for weird stuff happening and other weird smells. If in doubt, a good cleanse and banishing ritual including yourself in that.


Thank you @anon48532061 and @anon94321331 for the heads up! I will be sure to be on the look for entities(or in my case shadow’s in the corner of my eye), other strange smells and I will be sure to perform a banishing ritual if I ever feel that the presence is bad, I truly appreciate your replies and help!


Some people use dmso products for inflammation. That will also produce a garlic smell

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well at least we know that it wasn’t vampire magic since it had a smell of garlic. Just kidding. Haha somebody needed to interject that comment. :slight_smile:

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