Strange visuals in the pitch black

So I was just chilling in my head with some headphones on my head. My room is pitch black and I’m just listening to some doom metal and other stuff. I start to stare at my ceiling. I can’t see anything but darkness, but all of a suddenly some wierd grey/black shapes start flying past my eyes. The next thing I know the shapes turn into objects, ropes, a huge spider hanging over me, and lastly a women’s face. The face was the clearest to recognize while flying past my face. I could see her black hair and some of her face details. I need to know if I was hallucinating or was I actually seeing things. I recently have been trying to take a small break from my workings but I felt I should acknowledge this.

Anything insight is appreciated

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It sounds like you were inadvertently scrying into the darkness and saw random astral images.


Interesting. I’ve only read a little on scrying and never tried it so it shocked me a little. I’ve never seen anything like it before. I even questioned if I was dreaming at one point.

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Basically, you were dreaming…sort of. You slipped deep enough into an altered state (you were probably close to sleep so most likely you were in deep Alpha or light Theta) that the darkness around you became your “magic mirror” and you perceived some of the astral fauna that is around you all the time but never noticed.

Sounds like products of the mind .

If you want to be able to see these types of images easier ivr found if you stare into a mirror until it changes your ability to see this kind of stuff goes up. Also if you do the mirror thing AEK wrote that you focus at where the wall meets the ceiling in the reflection. It’s supposed to help open the door o other realms I typically just glance at myself.

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Could be the Spider Queen… could be not… do some divination i suppose.

If you practise magick then its probably not just products of the mind…what the fuck is wrong with people here


I’m more leaned on this being a accidental scry but I’m intrigued on what the spider queen is.


The spider queen seems really powerful, but what would something that powerful be interested in someone that doesn’t know what he’s doing. That’s why I think this is a random scry. But it was cool to learn about something like that.

some past life connection? idk…
It was just a thought. I suppose if it was her she will let him know in time.

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I guess we’ll see.