Strange Images received after meditation

Ive had these strange symbols inside my head after a mediatation and they wwere vibrating for about half an hour. Any idea what they are have you ever seen them?

Azazel, put something similar to that first picture in my head.
Im not sure what it means. I tried to post it but keeps saying my image is too large so I gave up :frowning:
But it looks kinda like the first one.

I have a similar thing but one is just always burning into my head but I think I know what it’s for because of an image Azazel showed me when I asked him for an idea of what my path would lead to

[quote=“arianna, post:2, topic:8843”]Azazel, put something similar to that first picture in my head.
Im not sure what it means. I tried to post it but keeps saying my image is too large so I gave up :frowning:
But it looks kinda like the first one.[/quote]
At first I got the impression of Azazel too, but Ive never worked with him although I feel a strong magnetism between me and him and the 2nd impression was that of Goddess Hecate or Dianna IAm not sure. I did a rune divination and all lead towards one direction: Spiritual travel and occult, hidden mysteries

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from what I can tell from him the name Forsaken is going to be a known one

[quote=“Barskevilles Dog, post:4, topic:8843”][quote=“arianna, post:2, topic:8843”]Azazel, put something similar to that first picture in my head.
Im not sure what it means. I tried to post it but keeps saying my image is too large so I gave up :frowning:
But it looks kinda like the first one.[/quote]
At first I got the impression of Azazel too, but Ive never worked with him although I feel a strong magnetism between me and him and the 2nd impression was that of Goddess Hecate or Dianna IAm not sure. I did a rune divination and all lead towards one direction: Spiritual travel and occult, hidden mysteries[/quote]
So it could very well be Azazel since we both are getting very similar images and you also have thay feel for it being it him.
The second once yes i can definitely see how that might be Hecate.
This pretty cool stuff. :slight_smile:

So it could very well be Azazel since we both are getting very similar images and you also have thay feel for it being it him.
The second once yes i can definitely see how that might be Hecate.
This pretty cool stuff. :slight_smile:
Thanks for commenting Arianna~ Its always good to have conversations with people like you. Sharing our experiences can hep in our evolution as individual magicians and beyond I think. Thank you too @ardinos :smiley:

I have a question maybe we could both try something I’m going to invoke Set and I already am in constant communication with Azazel and Ahmet maybe we could try to see what the three are together for

I have a question maybe we could both try something I’m going to invoke Set and I already am in constant communication with Azazel and Ahmet maybe we could try to see what the three are together for
Nice one, but for now I cannot sadly, I have University exams

damn that sucks but it’s ok I understand

also good luck

I meditated on each of the symbols and attempted to discerne their meaning. I think that they are heavily associated with the originally Anatolian, later Greek, goddess Hecate.

When we talk about ancient symbols, the oldest and most sacred symbols were of the sun and the moon. The full circle represented the sun, and the half circle, the moon. These are ancient and are often seen in cave paintings with religious significance, back when the only religion was shamanism, and individual revelation was a requirement for spiritual growth.

The first symbol reminded me of the Triple Luna symbol, which is also associated with Hecate, as well as other triple goddesses throughout history. Whether the middle circle is a sun or a moon (something which quite perplexed me as I meditated) is irrelevant, as the point of the symbol is not what is in the middle, but the outside. The revelation I received was if it were a three dimensional object, you would be unable to see the center, the outside would block your view.

One of the common symbols of Hecate are the keys. One of her epithets is Hecate, Klêidouchos which means “holder of the keys”, and another relevant epithet is Hecate, Apotropaia which means “who turns away”. This is a symbol of her doing just that, locking the door with the key to turn people away. The solid circle is a sacred space, perhaps the magical circle itself, and Hecate is she who protects the sacred rite from disruption.

The second symbol is of course a very common symbol for trinities. And it is also very similar to the original symbol for the Vedic Om, which is believed to be the cosmic sound which created all things.


I believe that it is a little bit of dual meaning; since it was the only symbol to rotate. It is simultaneously the Trimorphic deities, such as Hecate, the Trimurti of Hinduism, and the Trinitarian god of Christianity; as well the cosmic consonant, Om.

The third symbol made me think of a dagger being thrown through the air, with the lines as artistic ways of establishing movement, then I saw it as a dagger lying down on the beach, between the surf and the sand. As I meditated upon it, I saw that it also works to think of it having been driven in the ground in front of mountainous terrain, or being surrounded by flames. Since the dagger is also a common symbol of Hecate and the anthame is a very important part of neopagan witchcraft, and the fact that it could be seen as connecting with all four elements simultaneously, it establishes a very strong connection with Hecate.

In meditation, I thought of a way to draw these symbols together. The last symbol is first, you grab your sacred item and evoke the elemental power to protect and defend you. Hecate, patron of all workers of the craft, comes. The second symbol is you, you are god in the circle, the creative consonant from which sound all things are created, and indeed, you are the creator of all things. The first symbol is Hecate, locking the door and turning away distractions, one god protecting a fellow god.

My advice, seek out communication with Hecate, she seems to want to help you grow as a deity in the flesh.

My advice, seek out communication with Hecate, she seems to want to help you grow as a deity in the flesh.

Thats awsome because I got the same message in a spiritual manner. Also Iam stationed in Greece and in a natural habitat of woods and I think Ill try at some point the Goddess as I feel a strong pull towards her. Thank you for taking time to do this I appreciate it greatly. Any starting points for Hecate?

Thats awsome because I got the same message in a spiritual manner. Also Iam stationed in Greece and in a natural habitat of woods and I think Ill try at some point the Goddess as I feel a strong pull towards her. Thank you for taking time to do this I appreciate it greatly. Any starting points for Hecate?

I’m glad that we synchronized like that, it’s always cool to have revelation confirmed by a third party.

I personally don’t have any idea on how to contact Hecate. However, if you are familiar with evoking an entity with a sigil there are a bunch of forms here:

It is my honest belief that it doesn’t matter which sigil you choose, as long as you believe it will work. So, whichever one mostly connects you to the energy of Hecate, use that one.

If you aren’t familiar with evoking using a sigil, then there is the fact that she is worshiped as a goddess. Give her an offering and pray to her. E. A. Koeting says that there are three gateways: water, fire, and blood. Find at least one of those aspects to include in your ritual.

But, most importantly, be led by your intuition. And do you own divination about this idea of contacting Hecate.

Will do so and once again thanks for the advice and your time

Ok I figured out how to do this :wink:
Heres the one Azazel gave me that I thought was similar to your top one. Just ignore the part where Im tracing lines lol

[quote=“Eye_of_Ra, post:16, topic:8843”]Ok I figured out how to do this :wink:
Heres the one Azazel gave me that I thought was similar to your top one. Just ignore the part where Im tracing lines lol[/quote]
But now that I look at them I dont kbow.
Yours makes a complete circle.

yeah the circle is a complete one