Strange Dreams, can’t tell if they mean anything!

Note: If this is the wrong category my bad! Don’t know what dreams would fall under and might of missed it.

Hi! So I have had a abnormal dream last night , abnormal in two regards, it happened twice , and both times I woke up at the end not being able to tell if the shivers in my neck were in the dream or when I woke up. And being very new to this whole thing don’t know what to think! As a Christian I don’t see black cats or cats in general in any religious way, and although I have pet cats, this felt off. Don’t know if it may have a more understood meaning or way to interpret it. If I was not more aware of the importance of dreams I would of just passed it off as nothing.
Want to add before I get into details that recently I have delved into many books/tests relating to Lilith, suppose to be just the start of examining figures and texts not within the Bible ( example for removed texts or texts not in Bible,Book of Enoch,Dead Sea Scrolls,) and fictional/non fictional works on characters or figures mentioned in the Bible or assumed such as the serpent who tempted Eve being assumed to represent Lucifer (Examples of Texts and books would be, Liber Lilith, Alphabet of Ben Sira.) Currently still reading Liber Lilith, had to stop and restart because I got bad vibes the first time.
Now for the Dream itself. So it always starts with me on my bed with my eyes closed, not sleeping just kinda laying down, and I feel something stepping on my bed covers and getting closer and closer, when it gets at my neck it kinda gets confused, I can’t tell if I woke up then or something purred. Then feel a shiver down my spine and either stays when I wake up or was in the dream alone. Never saw a cat at all which was also wired, just assumed. Both times I would get up and look around thinking it was not a dream. After the second time could no go back to sleep so just got up.
Maybe it’s nothing related the texts/books, maybe is super natural but something else, maybe it is just my brain, but just… did not feel normal. Any help would be appreciated!

Also had a very unrelated dream of a earth quake crushing a building I was in and worrying for my family while being thrown around , as well as me failing my family in some way, but that dream felt more natural and tied to worries I had throughout the day or in general. Almost detached from the later dream.


Its kind of difficult to attract Lilith, but if you are filling your mind woth information on her, then it will or may attract her. Its more common to go to an unused area and chant a mantra for her to appear. I see no connection between her and a cat, unless some sort of transmogrification/transfer of souls/spirits occurred under her.

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Good to know! To be honest did not think it had anything to do with her, just figured it important to mention every detail. Don’t know what a Cat could mean or even if it was a cat! I mean I assume cat but I never heard or saw one. I mean cats have no significance in my beliefs ( as far as I know). Part of the reason why I am a bit nervous! I have never delved beyond things related to my own Tradition (God, Jesus and his Angels). If this is super natural I am completely in the unknown! And it just is too much of a coincidence (a word I stopped believing in long ago) that it happens right when I start delving into things outside my norm.
Maybe I am wrong! And to be fair, I’m not exactly scared as intrigued! Is it something as simple as a Angel or perhaps passed on animal? Could a it be something else? Maybe it’s impossible to answer since it is a personal matter to me, so if nothing else anyone know how I can figure out what it means? Or maybe someone knows of a entity that may take the form of a cat? I know I know a lot of questions! Maybe it really is just my brain playing tricks on me, but I long ago decided to trust on my gut feelings. Thanks!!

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I would say a passed on cat, or a lost spirit perhaps.
I used to try to work with Lilith, and one sigil oh hers is rare, a triangle with two saturn symbols back to back, and an eye like a serpent. Perhaps inquire as to who it is. In general, cats repel bad spirits. Doesnt mean its impossible. There are some feline like goetic spirits, but usually loud lions.

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My family have had a lot of cats throughout my life so that would make sense. Had a feeling it might be something like that. Just wanted to check and make sure I had not summoned some ancient being of hate by accident lmao. Thanks!!!

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Maybe this is just something that “purrs”

Low-key this kinda sounds like something succubus-y?

I mean, you ARE reading liber Lilith so …maybe?


See when I posted this I was thinking that might be a possibility, but some things don’t add up. I will admit something I did not admit in Intro , I dabbled in the past in succubus rituals and some stuff related to Lilith, obviously never worked out but I’m pretty sure it was more my lack of experience at the time. Now I’m fully Christian, properly stronger in my before than in my past, and I read a book and that is what draws one of Lilith daughters? No ritual, no meditation, just a book and a dream? And I mean… I have at least four crosses at my body at all time, gotta be a red flag … right? If any of what I said is wrong then I want to be corrected, just my train of thought atm. Interested to hear more!
I will admit that book, the feeling I got from that book made me have to restart it and that’s not normal from anything I have read before, and I’ve read some interesting things. And I never had a dream hit me before related to cats or that felt so… off. Doesn’t help me that I am constantly thinking of Lilith, like I have actively tried to stop and the urge keeps coming back. But as I said, I’m Christian, my beliefs only allow me to do so much. Lol by just admitting Lilith is real and looking into magic I’m pretty sure I have already broken serval major rules but that’s for another time and place.

But who knows! Maybe I’m wrong, will update elsewhere if I am.

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Well. Succubi and inccubi. Explains it a bit. I would refrain from reading the book and from thinking of or mentioning the names until you are comfortable with the idea.

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Is that possible from just reading the book? I thought you had to do a ritual or mediation for that kind of thing or like try to reach out… again I’m a newbie

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Out of sight, out of mind.

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I gotcha. But I honestly would still like to know how this could be different? Why would it happen now? Okay, impossible thing to answer but do you have any ideas? It’s quite impossible for me to not think about it, this train of thought has been with my WAY longer then the book or the dream. And if you have any advice, would rather go into it prepared rather then blind. Thanks! And who knows, may still be a cat!

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Dont know. Sometimes I think of and act with someone sexually when alone. I would like to describe it, but cant. Occasionally I feel a presence sit on my bed other than my cat.
Whos to say someone isnt thinking about you in that way, only that a cat is physically near them?
Who knows? :slight_smile:

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Firstly, it’s quite uncommon to have a Christian on the forum, but always interesting to have more varied backgrounds. I think it can lead to a more healthy forum overall. So, welcome.

And you yourself noted this felt unusual. That can be a clear sign that this is a spirit, although, attracting a random one is quite strange. Now, the dreams and such can be related to you being uncomfortable in going into unfamiliar or “forbidden” territory. That is, you may have fears of looking into this due to being raised Christian. I also have some experience of that happening, and it can very well cause anxiety and bad dreams initially until you settle into it.


Thanks for the welcome! I am not surprised more have not joined, things relating to the super natural can be a touchy subject. Even more open minded people such as myself find certain things hard to talk about that go too far beyond the norm.
And I think you summed it all up perfectly, and that was my first thought before Cat or Lilith related was due to entering uncharted and dangerous territory. Added with the fact I have to walk a thin line as a Christian despite my more open views, I believe interaction with the super natural is fine up to a point and so is learning from people with very different views! However there are some things that would push me over that line and that is a tad scary!
Good to have a general outline for what the dream could possibly mean! I felt it was better to mention it and bring it up on here instead of just brushing it off or assuming anything!

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They frequently go under “Divination”. When in doubt General is always a safe bet. :slight_smile:

For more on dreamwork I made a thread to collect cool dreamworking posts.

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Well, it’s not necessarily because this site is regarding the supernatural, as there are plenty of occult orders that are largely Chirstian, and various paths that focus on Christianity even if in an unorthodox sense. But it is more rare to see Christians on here because it is largely a Satanist/Luciferian/Demonolatry forum. Well, not everyone here is of course, we’ve got a rather wide range of people here. I consider myself to be a Norse Pagan, but I also work with other Pantheons, and work with the Christian/Jewish god and various Angels frequently if not daily.

And on Christians and the Supernatural. It’s mainly just in the modern world that Christians shy away from such things. The Western Medieval and Renaissance occult tradition is largely Christian. Most of the traditional western grimoires are heavily Christian. They simply had a different world-view in those days, as there was a time when even the Vice-Legate of the Papacy was a Master at divination.

Try reading Aggripa’s ‘Three Books of Occult Philosophy’ for more insight into occultism in the Medieval and Renaissance Europe.

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Fair point. Same reason for why I’m here , I’m just more open minded lmao. My own beliefs can still co-exist along another’s, “Love thy Neighbor”. Would be hypercritical to say that then judge someone or not be able to interact with someone because they disagree with you. But that’s a debate for another place and time that can get heated sadly. Simply put you are right, but I met certain Christians who are VERY touchy on spirits in general, can be surprising how at times all Christians can share very similar beliefs and yet at the same time different ones. But when it comes to Demons or (Excuse me only comfortable calling him as The Beast or Lucifer) Lucifer, that it is pretty much common knowledge (whether it is right or wrong I don’t know, just one of the few 100 percent shared across most if not all sects)to fear Lucifer and don’t bring him up, mention or such. Again (not to talk about myself too much)I am not any different but… the way I interact with others who have different views is and the fact I believe having knowledge and learning about Lucifer is not a bad thing.
I mean even I am not willing to do any rituals myself evolving Lucifer or certain entities! But nothing wrong with talking to people who do it themself! And on top of all that, when someone is looking for a forum usually they were suggested it, are looking for a certain kind of group, had a question and so forth. So 50 percent are properly just unaware or not looking for that kind of thing.

It is true! It is that way with all aspects of Culture compared to how it has at the past. Kind of part of evolution I suppose, people in the Middle Ages would have different views then those during the time of the Greeks and so forth.

Wrote it down! Always looking for something new to read, and I’ve been having trouble trying to find where to start with Occult books for a long time(Mainly just branching off through stuff related the the Bible at this point).

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Also wanted to add would be interested in hearing about that! As he is the only God I have worked with( the only God In my own beliefs, I believe in other powerful beings but don’t consider them gods but trust me this will be the one if not last time I bring that up, I know people have other beliefs. But not the point) or plan on. Would love to hear more through pms or such!!! Also for the record ( just as a little added info about myself) I consider Jewish and Christians to be brother faiths and both part of his plan so I consider him one and the same for both religions despite our troubled past history wise.