Start Kundalini

Hello, can you tell me where to start awakening kundalini? And do I understand correctly that mesmerism and magnetism are part of the energy of kundalini?

Is it possible to devote time to meditation lying on your back every day before going to bed? Thank you

It is not advisable to meditate while lying on your back because that is the position for sleep so you increase the chances of taking a nap instead of meditating. It is recommended to sit upright with the spine straight to ensure a smooth flow of energy.

Robert Bruce has a course on kundalini that can probably get you started. However, it’s important to note that he has never actually completed the full circuit so his course will likely only get you as far as the initial rising. I personally prefer the qi gong techniques in the book Path Notes of An American Ninja Master by Glen Morris as that author has actually finished the process and fully completed his kundalini.

No. The kundalini is the biological and sexual energy of the body. Mesmerism is simply an old fashioned term for hypnotism and has no connection. As for magnetism, that is primarily a function of the aura and the kundalini will expand the field around the body so yes, it will increase your charisma and magnetism.

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Thank you for the feedback, I just don’t know English, I can’t read the books. Now I’m watching a video with subtitles) from infernal obelisk to the branches of Kundalini it was offered

It usually awakens on it’s own and forcing it will cause huge problems. Personally I was meditating and listening to binaural beats “awaken third eye/kundalini” videos and I awakened.


Awakening the kundalini energy is a complex process that requires dedication and patience. Generally, it’s best to begin with some preliminary practices, such as breathing exercises and relaxation techniques, to prepare your body and mind. Additionally, visualization and mantra work can be immensely helpful to connect with the energy. Eventually, with enough practice and dedication, it’s possible to fully awaken and experience kundalini.

Mesmerism and magnetism are indeed aspects of the kundalini energy. They are both considered part of the energy that originates in the base chakra and moves up the spine, triggering various metaphysical and physical effects.

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Yesterday I had an idea about using a vibration app, and actually gave a try by for example moving the cellphone up the spine. It’s some time I also practice visualizing and feeling colored light and nectar entering each chakra from above then from below (really, an adaptation of a practice already taught).

with original concepts its important to look at the source. yogis will have all the anwers you need to awaken kundalini. many mistake it as a one time thing where its awakened and suddenly you change, thats not the case. some experience it as that but in those cases severe problems can arise. what you are looking for is to chant a kundalini mantra which you can find on youtube and visualise the energy moving up your spine. it can take years to truly notice the effects of kundalini. its a serious thing that requires serious practice. the yogis are the experts on this topic, read their books instead. i havent read the vedas myself but that is where the practices were originally written. misconceptions of kundalini has been passed down the past few decades just like with the third eye chakra, which is why its important to look at its original meaning and concept.

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Just be careful cuz it can be dangerous & is the most extreme kind of Yoga. With the kundalini serpent rising up from the spine & Opening up all the chakras, & causes a lot of people to start shaking uncontrollably or lose control

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Thanks for inadvertently reminding me I still needed to order Path Notes…
Ordered and received ^^

I’ve only browsed through it a bit, but I really like his writing style.

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