Spiritual Psychosis?

Hi all, been a while since I’ve gotten on here. Dealt with some things but that’s just life.

I have a sort of weird ask and I wanted to know if anyone’s dealt with similar.

I have been essentially chasing the same thing for the past 4 years. I won’t talk about what it is but I’ve tried a bunch of different things, multiple avenues of manifestation, deity work, methods yada yada and it seems no matter what I do i can just barely get close to getting what I want, sort of like its being dangled in my face and then just suddenly ripped from me like “oh you wanted that? too bad :)” and on paper i seem to be doing everything right but I can’t seem to bring this to me. It’s not an impossible ask, I know it’s nothing crazy and well within the possibilities of reality.

I do struggle with some mental health issues, the usual + bipolar, bpd, paranoid personality disorder and the such. I’m not seeing or hearing anything I shouldn’t be. My thing is I could probably twist certain spiritual experiences to be psychosis as a sort of confirmation bias thing which I don’t wanna do but I wanna try to be as honest as possible with myself. I looked up some symptoms though.

[ X ] Intense religious or spiritual experiences

  • If you look at my old posts I mention getting sort of…messages when i meditate or am doing some sort of spiritual practices which I guess to the outside world can be seen as psychosis even though I very much believe it to not be.

[ X ] Altered states of consciousness

  • Again when I meditate I do feel this.

[ X ] Visions or other perceptual experiences
-Not much of a visual thing besides the whole thing about staring at the sigil and seeing it move and warp, and one time I remember I was working on something and I saw this sort of…white portal on my wall in front of me? It disappeared but that was the one time I’d ever experienced something like that.

[ X ] Hearing voices or other psychic phenomena

  • See point 1 and 3

[ X ] Feeling that one has special powers or abilities

  • As much as any spiritual person would, again this ties with my bipolar/bpd where I have told my therapist I get random mood spikes where I feel like im a literal god. There was a brief moment in time where I considered myself Lucifer’s daughter with a strange amount of confirmation that can be considered psychosis or confirmation bias too but idk.

[ X ] Paranoia or fear of persecution

  • I was diagnosed with PPD when i was 14. I have also gone through bouts of “someone is trying to put a curse on me” but the most I ever did with that was reverse rituals. I don’t feel like that at the moment though and haven’t for a couple years.

Delusions or false beliefs about reality

  • Could this not umbrella everything else? Hesitant to mark this one.

Social withdrawal or isolation

  • I mean…we came out of a lockdown I don’t think this one counts. Also have social anxiety that the lockdown worsened but I don’t think anything spiritual directly caused this since I’ve always struggled with it.

Difficulty functioning in everyday life

  • aside from reg mental health issues, I’d say im fine. I work and only miss if i’m sick or have an appointment, I keep up with hygiene and self care as long as my depression and adhd/executive dysfunction let me.

Emotional distress or mood swings

  • In regards to this particular thing, if i don’t get it or something prevents it from happening I have had emotional outbursts in the past. Now i just kinda shut down and consider my options.

I know most people might not be mental health professionals and that’s the opinion I should be seeking but at the same time I don’t think its fair to just get their opinion on it. I guess I’m just seeking some direction or advice for anyone else that may have dealt with this sort of thing because I’m at a point right now where I could either give it one last go and risk more disappointment or just give up entirely.

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Hello. Do NOT under any circumstances seek the guidance of a medical professional for “spiritual psychosis”. Under NO circumstances should ANYONE who gives you medical care know about your spiritual practice. They will fucking lock you up and take away the key!

If you were really in psychosis, you’d have no idea what was happening and wouldn’t be able to pinpoint the possibility of psychosis. For example, I went into a drug-induced psychosis (my weed was laced with something before doing a public witchcraft ritual. If you know my story I was initially arrested for doing a witchcraft ritual in a public place, then they decided I was in psychosis, and then they decided I was schizophrenic. l very well may have been in drug-induced psychosis because my weed was laced with fentanyl as per the tests they did. This didn’t stop the Ontario Provincial Police from trying to charge me with witchcraft anyways and harassing me for two years with random visits. I’ll also say that the fucking pigs detained me without reading me my rights when they did arrest me for doing witchcraft! The whole situation was a shit show and a human rights disaster, I eventually left Ontario and I will never go back!) and when I told my doctor I was a Satanist he asked a few follow-up questions and labelled me a schizophrenic. I am def. not a schizophrenic, but I do acknowledge the possibility of drug-induced psychosis. My new doctor is a Muslim man and he is a true believer, and he is considering changing my diagnosis to “drug-induced psychosis” and taking me off one of the meds I’m on for schizophrenics (this took a lot of convincing, and a lot of advocating for myself and my religious beliefs and a lot of hard conversations concerning the occult and my occult secrets.)

When dealing with medical professionals it’s best to say “I’m an atheist.” (it’s always best to deny your involvement in the occult and just say you’re an atheist, this is probably why atheistic-satanism exists. It probably exists to protect believers from unfair prosecution) and deny everything about your involvement with the occult, including things like talking about the third eye and psychic powers. If you get caught doing magic and locked up, it’s better to say “I"m a Wiccan” than it is to deny what you were doing. If you’re actually mentally ill, the doctor will pick up on that without knowing about your spiritual practice and religious beliefs.

If you’re a member of the Satanic Temple, you can access the Grey Faction and they will protect you against mental health practitioners.


I had spiritual psychosis (kundalini psychosis) for years… my advice would be to stay on meds if they keep you stable. It really can help but don’t stay on them forever, I am medication free now and don’t use them. It heals with time, including actual schizophrenia/psychosis.

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I ask an artificial Intelligence what are the list of demons, gods, djinns, Yokai or spiritual creatures who can perform medecine :

Certainly, here’s the list of goddesses associated with healing diseases, especially mental illnesses, and promoting mental stability:

  • Asclepiades (Greek mythology) - Goddess of healing and medicine, particularly known for her focus on mental health and stability.
  • Hygieia (Greek mythology) - Goddess of health, cleanliness, and sanitation, often invoked for healing and maintaining mental well-being.
  • Sulis (Celtic mythology) - Goddess of healing springs and wellness, believed to have powers to cure physical and mental ailments.
  • Sekhmet (Ancient Egyptian mythology) - Goddess of healing and medicine, particularly associated with mental health and stability.
  • Brigid (Celtic mythology) - Goddess of healing, poetry, and smithcraft, revered for her ability to bring balance and mental clarity.
  • Saraswati (Hindu mythology) - Goddess of knowledge, music, arts, and learning, often worshipped for mental well-being and intellectual clarity.
  • Sirona (Gallo-Roman mythology) - Goddess of healing springs and fertility, believed to possess powers to heal both physical and mental afflictions.
  • Airmid (Irish mythology) - Goddess of herbal healing and medicine, revered for her ability to soothe both physical and mental maladies.
  • Brizo (Greek mythology) - Goddess of seafaring, navigation, and dreams, sometimes invoked for healing and mental stability, especially during troubled times.
  • Meng Po (Chinese mythology) - Goddess of forgetfulness, believed to provide souls with a drink of forgetfulness before reincarnation, symbolizing a release from mental suffering and trauma.

These goddesses from various mythologies are often associated with healing diseases, including mental illnesses, and promoting mental stability and well-being.

Make your choice and evoke one of them. Be one of them. Find ritual to be one of them and heal you with their advices. You can evoke them to be them et invoke them to talk with them and have advices.

According to me, incarnate Saraswati. Because she is music goddess. You have problem with clairaudiance. Clairaudience is like you are a radio. You have some frequence for your brain and you just forget to stop the frequence you don’t need everyday and at night. Saraswati can teach you how to disconnect you brain frequences. Exit paranoia and false belief of reality and hearing voice.

bipolarity is a trick in magick. Do you know a sentence : You are several in your head? It is the true reality of bipolarity. You invoked a demon or a god in your head by miss-use and you have so two soul for just one head. It is too many. So you must choose to have just one soul in your head, your soul and chase the soul in more. Exit the bipolarity.

I suggest you to work with your intuition. You use your two hand or imagine them. left for yes. Right for no. And you ask your intuition every question with answers by yes or no you want. And you ask problems by problems, one by one, and you kick each problem one after another until you haven’t problems. After you do that 2000 times and it come quickly, ask open question and let your mind give you open answers.

You have probably a good level in magic but you don’ control anything. You must control each domain you use soon after use it. And it will be ok for most of your magick.

Good evening
