Hi all, been a while since I’ve gotten on here. Dealt with some things but that’s just life.
I have a sort of weird ask and I wanted to know if anyone’s dealt with similar.
I have been essentially chasing the same thing for the past 4 years. I won’t talk about what it is but I’ve tried a bunch of different things, multiple avenues of manifestation, deity work, methods yada yada and it seems no matter what I do i can just barely get close to getting what I want, sort of like its being dangled in my face and then just suddenly ripped from me like “oh you wanted that? too bad :)” and on paper i seem to be doing everything right but I can’t seem to bring this to me. It’s not an impossible ask, I know it’s nothing crazy and well within the possibilities of reality.
I do struggle with some mental health issues, the usual + bipolar, bpd, paranoid personality disorder and the such. I’m not seeing or hearing anything I shouldn’t be. My thing is I could probably twist certain spiritual experiences to be psychosis as a sort of confirmation bias thing which I don’t wanna do but I wanna try to be as honest as possible with myself. I looked up some symptoms though.
[ X ] Intense religious or spiritual experiences
- If you look at my old posts I mention getting sort of…messages when i meditate or am doing some sort of spiritual practices which I guess to the outside world can be seen as psychosis even though I very much believe it to not be.
[ X ] Altered states of consciousness
- Again when I meditate I do feel this.
[ X ] Visions or other perceptual experiences
-Not much of a visual thing besides the whole thing about staring at the sigil and seeing it move and warp, and one time I remember I was working on something and I saw this sort of…white portal on my wall in front of me? It disappeared but that was the one time I’d ever experienced something like that.
[ X ] Hearing voices or other psychic phenomena
- See point 1 and 3
[ X ] Feeling that one has special powers or abilities
- As much as any spiritual person would, again this ties with my bipolar/bpd where I have told my therapist I get random mood spikes where I feel like im a literal god. There was a brief moment in time where I considered myself Lucifer’s daughter with a strange amount of confirmation that can be considered psychosis or confirmation bias too but idk.
[ X ] Paranoia or fear of persecution
- I was diagnosed with PPD when i was 14. I have also gone through bouts of “someone is trying to put a curse on me” but the most I ever did with that was reverse rituals. I don’t feel like that at the moment though and haven’t for a couple years.
Delusions or false beliefs about reality
- Could this not umbrella everything else? Hesitant to mark this one.
Social withdrawal or isolation
- I mean…we came out of a lockdown I don’t think this one counts. Also have social anxiety that the lockdown worsened but I don’t think anything spiritual directly caused this since I’ve always struggled with it.
Difficulty functioning in everyday life
- aside from reg mental health issues, I’d say im fine. I work and only miss if i’m sick or have an appointment, I keep up with hygiene and self care as long as my depression and adhd/executive dysfunction let me.
Emotional distress or mood swings
- In regards to this particular thing, if i don’t get it or something prevents it from happening I have had emotional outbursts in the past. Now i just kinda shut down and consider my options.
I know most people might not be mental health professionals and that’s the opinion I should be seeking but at the same time I don’t think its fair to just get their opinion on it. I guess I’m just seeking some direction or advice for anyone else that may have dealt with this sort of thing because I’m at a point right now where I could either give it one last go and risk more disappointment or just give up entirely.