Can I suggest a spiritual goal all people reading this would be well-advised to consider, if they don’t yet have this?
Get a spirit, ideally a high-ranking and well-known demon, or (in my opinion, usually even better) a god or goddess from one of the classical pantheons to mentor you.
Getting a spirit mentor of some kind, respected and known within that community, was one of THE oldest pre-requisites of magick, dating right back to shamanic pre-agricultural societies.
Your own 1-2-1 mentor, ally, teacher, who is invested in your success, safety, and will also work through you at times to fulfil their own agenda.
It’s a 2-way street, both parties to the agreement benefit, and 90% of the problems I see beginners and somewhat experienced practitioners alike run into, are things that could have been mitigated or avoided completely by doing this.
And if you’re thinking of this, do the research - being hasty or desperate, over-promising (blindly pledging eternal allegiance and service, for example, or blood oaths without any experience yet how they deliver) are all totally dumb things that will not earn you a good reputation with that spirit.
Treat this like a business contract, and be rational and professional in your approach. If your goal is personal godhood, make that very clear, and if you have any preferences for reincarnation, that also needs to be included in the deal.
I put some info on making pacts that work and have legs in this topic: Making Lasting Pacts That Work