Spirits to avoid sudden relapses (to addictions)


Few months I started working with archangels, to get rid of an addiction that I’ve been struggling with for many many years, destroying me in every aspect possible. Slow but surely, results have manifested indeed. Parasites eradication have been underwent as well.

95% of time, I’m just doing well and have no urges or whatsoever to relapse again. But, on some occasions it still happens and the effects are devastating me for days. Wanted to know if you could suggest me anyone to work it, to put an end to this. I’m even willing to work with goetic spirits and compare theirs results with angel’s results. If Buer the way to go ? or Dantalion ?

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Belial is usually the go to for addiction work.


Is it ok for someone’s first goetic spirit evocation ?

Belial is a powerful god, be strong and stand up for who you are and you’ll be fine :slight_smile:


Belial is, indeed, the best being to summon when you want to avoid falling back into unhealthy habits.

Take care. :black_heart:


Azazel, Belial, Lucifer.

Personally, I would go with Opfaal, the Angel of Deliverance, from EA Koetting’s grimoire Kingdoms of Flame. He has the ability to free the mind from addictions. Once your mind is free, you will no longer fall into the habitual pattern.


Seconded, Belial is your guy

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Opfaal and Belial are the most recommanded here. Then so be it , I’ll get the book you mentioned and ask Opfaal for deliverance.

I do hope that Belial will provide this help through the GoM’s method as I just purchased that book as well

You don’t need to buy the book. You can find Opfaal’s seal on the forum. Just search for it.


Ok thank you so much , and everyone who answered.

You mention this method to evoke Opfaal without the Enns, I’ll give it a go tonight

Any method will work. The simplest way is just to open his seal and call him.

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instead of a spirit, may I suggest the empowered mind ritual by damon brand. worked for my masturbation addiction

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I have the same issue, it kicks in if I get bored or sad… I guess it’s compulsive but I still made insane progress through work with archangels.

Where can I find this ritual ? One of his books ?

Mystical Words of Power: The Magick of The Heart, The Soul, and The Empowered Mind (The Gallery of Magick)

this book here is the most effacious book from the gallery of magick, for me.

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Thank you , I’ll give it a try… actually I’ll try anything to get rid of this

Belial is good