Spirits charging electronic devices?

I was doing an evocation last night and I have an electronic nicotine vape that I plugged in. It usually takes 8-9 hours to charge and it had only been on the charger for about 40 minutes. When the demon I evoked entered the room, the light on my vape turned from red to green and started flashing, which it does to let you know it’s done charging. Somehow, my vape had instantly fully charged itself when the demon appeared and it still had at least 8 more hours of charging to do.

I know since demons and spirits are full of energy, because they ARE energy, they give off EMF frequencies. Electronics also emmit these frequencies so I’ve heard spirits can drain electronic batteries but is it possible for the energy to be so strong it does the opposite and charges the device? My candle damn near blew out on its own too when this happened, no fans or air vents nearby.


[quote=“RavensAscent, post:1, topic:5431”]I was doing an evocation last night and I have an electronic nicotine vape that I plugged in. It usually takes 8-9 hours to charge and it had only been on the charger for about 40 minutes. When the demon I evoked entered the room, the light on my vape turned from red to green and started flashing, which it does to let you know it’s done charging. Somehow, my vape had instantly fully charged itself when the demon appeared and it still had at least 8 more hours of charging to do.

I know since demons and spirits are full of energy, because they ARE energy, they give off EMF frequencies. Electronics also emmit these frequencies so I’ve heard spirits can drain electronic batteries but is it possible for the energy to be so strong it does the opposite and charges the device? My candle damn near blew out on its own too when this happened, no fans or air vents nearby.[/quote]

Wow I never thought of doing this but I’ll definitely try with my phone maybe tonight. I might see if a spirit can drain it then charge it or something.
Very cool experience. Very cool.

Spirits seem to like to fuck around with electricity, just watch some of the “Mastering Evocation” videos, or listen, should I say. I got a bit scared one night, after I’d been communing with spirits, a light switched itself on and sparks began to emit from the switch…but I got a better hotel room out of it.

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I’ve never heard of, or experienced, spirits or entities that have the ability to charge electronic devices. On the contrary, the current of said devices seems to charge the spirits and to do the opposite will instead drain them of energies. Since there is no current loop on electronics on batteries, it can’t be returned to the original source, hence the fast drain.

Interactions with humans does work with charging and recharging of energies, since the currents can be looped and in sync with eachother. Even if it can be drained like batteries, it can be returned and recharged at both ends.

Makes sense, one visited me last night on its own and the electronic device I was using, the battery drained completely even though I had just taken it off the charger and it was fully charged.

So you think the device that did the opposite and was charged, may have just been my own energy charging it?

[quote=“RavensAscent, post:1, topic:5431”]I was doing an evocation last night and I have an electronic nicotine vape that I plugged in. It usually takes 8-9 hours to charge and it had only been on the charger for about 40 minutes. When the demon I evoked entered the room, the light on my vape turned from red to green and started flashing, which it does to let you know it’s done charging. Somehow, my vape had instantly fully charged itself when the demon appeared and it still had at least 8 more hours of charging to do.

I know since demons and spirits are full of energy, because they ARE energy, they give off EMF frequencies. Electronics also emmit these frequencies so I’ve heard spirits can drain electronic batteries but is it possible for the energy to be so strong it does the opposite and charges the device? My candle damn near blew out on its own too when this happened, no fans or air vents nearby.[/quote]

of the spirits i’ve worked with none have messed with electronics
are there any specific spirits/types of spirits that do this
or can you just ask any to mess with it “for fun”