Spirits and powers

Okay, now i was reading the book Evoking Eternity and i had a question. Which spirit would i need to evoke to give a request to give me the ability of flight with mind alone(telekinesis, opened pineal gland, etc.)? Or just achieving godhood, would this give me the ability? Thank you in advance!

There’s a spirit in the book of Azazel that does this, but it admits in the book, if you want to master this you should brace yourself for many years of practice (requiring daily evocation of this spirit within that time frame).

Achieving godhood is something very different you have to “achieve” on your own. I will say it is possible that through enough activity you can power your spiritual ascent to godhood enough, that it no longer requires dedicated practice to make it continue.

However, this is not easy bake oven, it requires a commitment and an understanding that the spirits you call upon are bound to your soul and past and future lives for all eternity. Once you call them, you can never “hang up”.

You are giving your rituals slightly unrealistic expectations based on time frame, and you should try to experiment with some of the angels in the book that specialize in the ascent of the operator, if you want to start building the most and quickest momentum in that direction.

That’s generally a really good and safe bet if you’ve never evoked anything before. Especially because you have Evoking Eternity, if you haven’t read that part yet, pay attention to it when it comes…It will be useful to say the least.

Best of luck,
-Frater Apotheosis

[quote=“Frater Apotheosis, post:2, topic:1488”]There’s a spirit in the book of Azazel that does this, but it admits in the book, if you want to master this you should brace yourself for many years of practice (requiring daily evocation of this spirit within that time frame).

Achieving godhood is something very different you have to “achieve” on your own. I will say it is possible that through enough activity you can power your spiritual ascent to godhood enough, that it no longer requires dedicated practice to make it continue.

However, this is not easy bake oven, it requires a commitment and an understanding that the spirits you call upon are bound to your soul and past and future lives for all eternity. Once you call them, you can never “hang up”.

You are giving your rituals slightly unrealistic expectations based on time frame, and you should try to experiment with some of the angels in the book that specialize in the ascent of the operator, if you want to start building the most and quickest momentum in that direction.

That’s generally a really good and safe bet if you’ve never evoked anything before. Especially because you have Evoking Eternity, if you haven’t read that part yet, pay attention to it when it comes…It will be useful to say the least.

Best of luck,
-Frater Apotheosis[/quote]

Okay, so how many years would we be talking? And do u know what kind of exercises one would have to undergo? I have read azazel can open ones third eye.

No idea, you’d have to try for yourself to see how long it takes. Though what might be easier is to ask the entity for an estimation on how long it thinks it would take for you to master these.

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These things are very personal, in a sense that the time-frame is absolutely unknown. While “years” may be average, for some it might take less than a few days. You have to try for yourself, and if I was you, I’d unabashedly go request that I get the power in the quickest, most immediate sense possible. I mean, of course you might get fucked up or be alerted to a process that is against your willingness (I doubt it, but there’s a chance), but addressing it in the old style of “Superpowers-are-far-away” is something that I would not recommend. My advice: be prepared for years of work to do these things, but act and expect that you could gain these powers instantly just be requesting them. Really, the entities will only go as far as you allow them, and I see no reason why you couldn’t get some hint of the skill in a quick amount of time. But that’s up to you, not really an actual limit on the power at all.

If you want to get the power in about 6 months, ask the entity how you would be able to gain the power in 6 months. If it says you can’t, then ask it why, and what is preventing this from happening. From that information, you can get a sense of what is blocking you, and then you can ask if there are ways to smash those obstacles so that you can get it in that timeframe. More than likely, if you push deeper and deeper, you should find a way to get it in that time-frame. I doubt the entity would get pissed, after all, these entities live to see their power on this plain, and those who push through beyond normal limits should please a spirit more so than those who would just go with the status quo approach. You just gotta be willing to bend and go outside at the approach that best suites you

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[quote=“the1gza”]These things are very personal, in a sense that the time-frame is absolutely unknown. While “years” may be average, for some it might take less than a few days. You have to try for yourself, and if I was you, I’d unabashedly go request that I get the power in the quickest, most immediate sense possible. I mean, of course you might get fucked up or be alerted to a process that is against your willingness (I doubt it, but there’s a chance), but addressing it in the old style of “Superpowers-are-far-away” is something that I would not recommend. My advice: be prepared for years of work to do these things, but act and expect that you could gain these powers instantly just be requesting them. Really, the entities will only go as far as you allow them, and I see no reason why you couldn’t get some hint of the skill in a quick amount of time. But that’s up to you, not really an actual limit on the power at all.

If you want to get the power in about 6 months, ask the entity how you would be able to gain the power in 6 months. If it says you can’t, then ask it why, and what is preventing this from happening. From that information, you can get a sense of what is blocking you, and then you can ask if there are ways to smash those obstacles so that you can get it in that timeframe. More than likely, if you push deeper and deeper, you should find a way to get it in that time-frame. I doubt the entity would get pissed, after all, these entities live to see their power on this plain, and those who push through beyond normal limits should please a spirit more so than those who would just go with the status quo approach. You just gotta be willing to bend and go outside at the approach that best suites you[/quote]

Thank you. So whats the name of The spirit in the book of azazel?