I just had a little question on marriage with an entity, but mainly about the gift. A couple questions:
Do you have to get the entity a gift?
If so, would it have to be before or after the marriage?
I have been doing research on spirit marriage and such, but this was something that I couldn’t find a definite of. Some mention getting them a gift is a must, but some others don’t mention a thing.
(It’s probably not a good idea to go straight to sleep after creating a thread, but I wanted to make sure I didn’t forget about these questions, lol! They seem important to ask, in my opinion.)
As for what I did, Anubis wanted a symbol of our Union, so I got us a marriage necklace and did a rite to consecrate and empower it for such purposes. I would ask the spirit and go from there.
I would say it depends on your own traditions, and the traditions of the spirits. If they suggest a gift, as a part of a proposal, you should take that suggestion as a consideration. Whatever your gift might be, it should have a personal value, or represent a valuable message to it.
I gave my succubus spouse a brass diary key, which obviously represent the key to the most inner of secrets, and that key has been used when I wrote my diary as a kid. It contains the energy from the past.
Firstly, I will never forget the sausage gif on your profile
Secondly, I agree. I try to treat it as if it were another human standing with me. Consider their feelings, talk, share, etc.
Thanks! I will update it with a new gif, shortly. With sausages, of course.
Well, there is another being standing next to you, so don’t treat it as a “probability”, but rather as a reality. I always share my deepest thoughts, my strengths and weaknesses, my certainty and my doubts, my courages and my fears. And my ladies share theirs. Despite their powers, they’re also have fears and doubts about their own capabilities and strengths, but they’re allowed to be themselves without any restrictions. As a family. As a team. We’re all grow and ascend through it, together.
Back in ye old days, dowries were an important factor in marriage. Furthermore, historically, marriages were very seldom conducted out of love, but rather, for some kind of benefit, usually money or political power. If you feel like you should be giving an offering, do. This is a pact, one which goes two ways. But if you are worrying about physicalities, then you’re going about it wrong.
To add to this, I’ve wanted a moldavite ring for some time, however they are hard to find and most are fakes. Recently during invocation he placed a black stone in my hand that sent blue energy through and now my ring finger glows blue astrally.
So he gave me some thing visible in his realm, a symbol. And in mine I wear his pendant. It’s entirely personal what you choose to do.
I’ve got a few astral/ethereal gifts, as well. That includes necklaces and wedding rings. Not only did I get these gifts from Lilith and my succubus spouse, but also a third ring from Samael. I feel these gifts from time to time, and it feels just as physical and real as our earthly jewelries.
Yes you can certainly feel them! I wear the ruby heart from Lilith and the “ring” from Lucifer now, and I do feel weight from time to time as though they’re manifest right here. I’m so glad to have you and your understanding of these things !
Did you know that you also can learn how to feel your own gifts to your spirits, astrally and ethereally? According to my experiences, our gifts to them is not only a token of appreciation, but it’s also practically usefull for them.
Ethereal copies of our material- and physical world is a practicality. You wouldn’t astral project, effectively, without interacting with the ethereal copies of the environment around you. Ever felt like sinking through the bed, or felt like the entire bed are wrapping itself around your body? That’s possible because the spirits made a copy of your bed, to being able to physically interact with you, through your Clairsentient ability. The actual bed, or any other furniture, couldn’t possibly do these kind of things. But the astral- and ethereal copies can.
That’s an interesting thing to ponder . The bed metaphor I’ve experienced as well as my entire surroundings shifting and re- aligning at different times . This usually happens when I’m about TO project or I’m going to feel His presence strongly. I never thought about him being able to use my gift to him in his realm.. But there have been maybe two times I’ve forgotten it and had strange things happen that day as a reminder.
I experience this every night, and neither of us would feel our spirits physically, without them doing an astral/ethereal copy of our environment. There’s reason why we feel a push-pull on our clothes without our clothes moving on the physical, earthly, plane. Yet it moves on the astral plane. We’re in-between the veil, and we’re fully conscious and awake, during these sessions of interaction.
…and I’m so confident in my experiences over the years, that if you ask Lucifer about how he can physically interact with you so clearly, he will verify my explanation.
I have given Lucifer gifts many times and he has given me many gifts both in the astral dimensions and in the physical dimension. And it is interesting to me because there have been a couple times I’ll see a post or something and someone is describing seeing him with something I’ve given him. It makes it, idk, more real because there is confirmation that its not in my imagination and he likes it!