Spirit Guides, Any Advice?

I astral projected three times the other day in short intervals. The first time, I phased through my window while trying to get some distance between my astral body and my physical body. I decided to try knocking on the window to see if my physical body could hear it for some reason and I ended up back in my body. I crawled back out and saw my girlfriend standing in our bathroom. I thought this was her astral body, so I walked towards her and it turned into something else and tried to steal my energy. I went back to my body and whatever tried to steal my energy seemed to have disappeared. This time, getting out of my body, I went throughout my apartment looking to see if there were any other spirits that I could find. I didn’t see any and decided to call out “spirit guides” because it was something I’d always meant to do while I was in the astral realm and just never remembered to do. Soon after saying this, a green stuffed animal snake materialized in front of me and to my left slightly. It was floating and slithering in place?. It then proceeded to gnaw on my right thumb and index finger. I pointed at it with my left hand as if to say no and then I woke up in my body mumbling something that I can’t remember now, but I think it was something I had said earlier during the projection. The green snake spirit didn’t seem threatening in any way, nor did it feel overly friendly. I want to make it clear that I wasn’t very conscious during this projection if it wasn’t already painfully obvious.

After waking up and thinking about the encounter for a bit, it reminded me of a time as a child when I saw a black snake (seemingly liquid) slithering across my bedroom floor and then disappearing into some toys that were left on the floor. I saw this physically as I was walking into my room. For some reason, it scared me so much that I ran to the other end of the house to get away from it. The presence to me, at the time, felt very overpowering and dark. If this was a spirit guide, it would make sense to me that it would appear as a stuffed animal in order to not scare me off completely and also to remind me of this incident in the past. I’ve been trying to connect with several spirits that I had interactions with in my childhood in order to figure out why these spirits visited me and this seems like it could be my first successful contact with one of these spirits even though it was unintentional.

My questions for you are as follows. Do you think this could be the same spirit? What do you think this encounter means? What do you think about spirit guides? Are spirit guides a thing or are they some New Age BS? I’m really trying to avoid getting stuck while trying to make progress in this area of my life. Thank you in advance for any advice and I apologize for the long post


In my culture spirit guides are a very important part of process of being a medicine man or shaman. Many other cultures and aspects of magic use spirit guides to help you navigate the spirit realm easier and more efficient in my own opinion. Now if this is your spirit guide I honestly can’t say but lady Eva has a lot of info on shamanic practices so you might want to ask her for it or you can use the search function and it has been talked about on here more than a few times in the past. Good luck in your path.


Thank you for your input. I’ll look into this more to find additional information. I searched the term spirit guide before posting this, but the results where people actually talked about spirit guides seemed to be limited to the very top of the search results. I had thought that maybe this meant spirit guides are a more niche topic in this community, a beginner topic, or my last conclusion was that it was more of a New Age thing since I’ve seen spirit guides mentioned so often with New Age type YouTube channels. I wanted to get someone else’s input on spirit guides to gauge if it’s something I should pursue and I’m happy to hear that there are cultures that use spirit guides

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Spirit guides are very real. They definitely didn’t start with the New Age and have been among us since the time we began practicing.

Sounds like you have a Serpent power animal by your sidem

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