Spider spirits

No boats for you, huh? Yeah, I should’ve known that by now, lol :wink:

The aranean form of ama Lilith, or Mefekiel from Necromantic Sorcery.

There is always Baron Zaraguin if you want to go Vodoun Gnostic.

So how did you work with him? Has an Ascension agenda?

It looks like that user hasn’t posted in a while, so I doubt you’re going to get answers.

Spiders are occult symbols and symbolic of spiritual attack. The color of the spider, shape and size can also have meanings to who the deity is who is employing that symbol.

From my own experience I had several visions with red and black spiders with human faces slowly walking down rows of church pews. Indicating to me Berith and Bael had announced themselves to me as advancing into my life in my case to carry out a hex. I had also seen many black insects that seemed to fly in and around me announcing that Bael one of the deitys in question were present.

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Buzzer sound WRONG! Right here lol. Ive been thinking of asking @Lady_Eva if i could take that identity back.


This is technically true. Spiders are also the weavers of the tapestry of fate. They’re more than just baneful.


That plot twist tho…

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Betchya can see the similarities since im a bit hyped up cant ya?

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I used to believe that fictional deities and characters would be ineffective for magic. I didn’t believe in the chaos magick paradigm and think that symbols had no “real” meaning and you could make up whatever you want.
Now I’ve been working with Belial and Ronove, and I’ve had some experiences that have made me rethink part of that stance, or rather qualify it. Fiction, such as the Drizzt series, is effective and popular precisely because it taps into that occult reality and explains in some way how “hell” actually works. What is strange is the demons resembled art works I made before I summoned them. So, I’m actually starting to think that perhaps when some chaos magicians summon fictional characters, they are just getting a mask or face of a real demon or deity.

To answer your question, yes he can help you ascend but dont be surprised if hes nothing like what you expect.

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