Sphere of Availability explained

The numbers are all made up for this example only and is not representing the truth which I simply have no idea what it is really. But this is a good model, speaking of which, this is how I know it. This term may be explained different somewhere else.

Okay. You want to win the lottery. A million people also want to. Your chances are one in a million. You did magick to change the tides, yet still failed. How come magick could ever fail? Simple. Let’s say that, thanks to your magick, your chances are increased a thousandfold.

That would still put your chance in one in a thousand. This is one example and I feel like I couldn’t explain it properly so let’s think of another example.

Okay, you work at minimum wage, which is 2000 bucks in this scenario. This is all you get in a month, and you want more. Say, you want ten thousand. You put the deadline at one day. Nothing happened. Your chance to get that was incredibly low. If you would gain 20 thousand a month, you would have a real chance to get it in one day.

What to do? Make it a reasonable deadline. Two months is much better than one day, for example. Most of the time it manifests faster than deadline, if it manifests, that is.

Now thats, people, what I think the sphere of availability is. This is why your chances are still low with that model you wanna bang. This is why you can’t get rich after a single ritual. List goes on and on.

How to expand the sphere? Improving your life overall, and getting better at magick is first two things that you should do. Rest, be cunning to get your goal.

You still can win the lottery or get that girl of course, take a look at those stories in New Avatar Power, even if they are half truths, they should still tell you that I was simply unable to explain the whole picture here.

But I tried my best so here you go ladies and gentleman, and all fairy tale things. :+1:


Dude this is really awesome! Thank you❤


Sound advice. While there are people that have managed to manifest a desire within a certain timeframe, I think people need to be realistic and realize that same timeframe may not work for them and set one that will.


I always knew magick worked, for me, I knew that reality shifted, no matter if I didn’t see it for myself, I just knew it worked!! All I had to do is shift bits of reality carefully do get my desired outcome + your theory!! Thanks dude!!!