Spells to Move On/Another Sob Story

Now is probably an okay time to update this a bit.

Beginner note before anyone gets into this expecting some miraculous reconnection: Nah. I reached out to him probably around 15 times in the last few months, all to no real response.

He hasn’t spoken to me since October. I managed to bombard him with requests from me, our mutual friends, and etc until he eventually privated his playlist for me because it lead to me obsessively checking it as if to validate he ever loved me.

His last confirmation of reading what I said was around Feburary where he edited the playlist very soon after I said something particularly vitriolic. In doing this, he simply removed a few songs that were broken links.

I’m currently at… 2 weeks straight of no contact? And our last contact was about removing the playlist.

There is a very real fear that comes with realizing it’s over for good, but it’s assuredly for the best. I was running myself into the ground.

I have a new boyfriend, who is Very Cool and Good and who DOESN’T make me try and psychoanalyze his every behavior in order to get his attention. :upside_down_face: Interestingly enough, my current partner is a past love interest who came back after I started manifesting a partner in general. I am very happy with him, and the events surrounding our reuniting was quite serendipitous.