Spells multi layered as a martial arts kata

What is the best approach to creating one? I still have description sheets from my old pre-wind level from my old martial arts classes.
This could also be useful working with martial and warrior spirits to train in the astral.


I’m incredibly interested in learning from you, both of your style and if you pull this off


I should let you know at this point, Ive only had two OOB and one Lucid Dream experiences. So this will be a learning experience for us both.
I will however dredge up a list of Warrior/MA Spirits from a few books. Perhaps start at a beginner level (Martal), leading up to a Grand Demon (Sargantanas).
This will be part of my Seeking a lateral move from Armchair Mage to Mage post topic. Just more Ritual One petitions. One for Astral Work, One for a Guide, and one for a Trainer. And a servitor to battle.

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What you are describing is simply just tying intention to physical movement. It’s really no different than crossing your fingers to make a wish. You form an intention and tell yourself that when you do a certain movement, your intention will come true.

When you practice a martial arts form, you are already tying intention to the movement. When you move your hand and tighten your muscles, your intention is to block an incoming strike. Each movement automatically brings an intention with it, as part of the training.


Okay, so the intention tied to movement, energy push, with a target in mind, lets say a baneful working by simply the effect of punching someone in the nose, lets say of I flip someone the bird, would that instantaneously happen, or I just flip someone off and a year later the flipped gets a nosebleed?

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So, astrally, what would occur, and how?

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If you emit chi from the finger, the effect would be almost instantaneous, depending on how sensitive they are to the energy. Sometimes it can have a delayed effect, though. The mythical dim mak, or “death touch,” for example, is a technique that strikes certain points on the body to cause death.

If you’re interested in using gestures and postures for magick, I recommend Donald Tyson’s book, Kinesic Magick.


Or, the spell components affecting all the subtle bodies of the target? The target not necessarily being a person, but perhaps an egregore to weaken it?

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I can confirm this from my Chakra based attacks. One was instant and the others take their time but you begin to slowly see signs in the targets body and energy

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Well a Mix of kuji in (ninjutsu magic) and demonic workings bring excellent results.