Spell to diminish interest in someone

I know there are a multitude of ways to ensure someone is enchanted by you, but is there any way to completely abolish and wipe away feelings you may have for someone?

This individual is no good for me, and offers no hope in my evolution as a person. He has no interest in personal development and spends most of his spare time slaving away for a large corporation and watching ‘humourous’ you tube videos, where as I am largely fixated on my growth and development as a person, and building my own business and empire while devouring knowledge. Where as be believes he has ‘no choice’ over his lifestyle and has no desire to change as a person or explore the realm beyond.

He broke up with me because he “couldn’t handle my emotional extremes”, and this left me absolutely devestated.

The problem is, I still find my ego is attatched to him. I have dreams about him and wake up in agony from them. We broke up almost three months ago now, yet I still find myself bound to him. I have tried sigils to remove my feelings for him, mindfulness meditation, hypnosis and writing in order to purge these emotions from my soul.

The feelings still linger.

I banish daily and hope that any unnecessary emotional residue will be annihilated by these rituals, but it isn’t. Infact, following a banishing my feelings for him were often stronger, which is odd considering banishing usually helps rid all lingering emotions.

And yes, I have tried practicle real life solutions in order to get rid of these feelings.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

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“Cut n clear” type work is what you’re going for here. Try a “cleansing” bath focused on cleansing yourself of lingering emotions. Ingredients such as sage, black walnut, rosemary, basil, lemon, frankincense etc. Should be focused on. You can begin with running a white candle from head to toe to remove/absorb the emotions, then lighting to let it burn away. Place herbs I mentioned above in a bowl of cold water, mix together praying over it with intent, then let steep for 30 minutes. Strain this out into a bath.
Repeat for up to nine days in a row.


[quote=“Euoi, post:2, topic:4417”]“Cut n clear” type work is what you’re going for here. Try a “cleansing” bath focused on cleansing yourself of lingering emotions. Ingredients such as sage, black walnut, rosemary, basil, lemon, frankincense etc. Should be focused on. You can begin with running a white candle from head to toe to remove/absorb the emotions, then lighting to let it burn away. Place herbs I mentioned above in a bowl of cold water, mix together praying over it with intent, then let steep for 30 minutes. Strain this out into a bath.
Repeat for up to nine days in a row.[/quote]

Thanks, I will be sure to try this ritual. Do I need a new white candle for each day I complete the ritual? Or will one white candle be suffice?

It depends on you plan on burning it. You can use a glass encased seven day candle (which usually only last for five), and burn another when the first goes out. Or you can use a free standing four to six inch candle that is only burnt for the duration of the rite then extinguished until the next night.

I’ve dealt with this issue on a couple of occasions. What I found helpful is to do a lust/love energy purge through a ritual. Take something you made for them or gave them, or they made/gave you. Place on your alter and tear it up focusing and chanting that you release and break all intimate feeling, motivations, thoughts, or plans for this person. It is severed and gone. Burn the pieces visualizing your intimate attachment and feelings to this person going with the smoke. If it is a particularly strong attachment call on your familiar or other trusted spirit to block this person from your life.

Afterwards block them from your life for at least a month. Have no contact, no emails, no texts, don’t look at their Facebook or instagram. Distract yourself by focusing on you. Put up an energy protection blocking any emotion or thought or intent they will direct at you because of your silence. You will notice that they will become less and less important to you as the days go by. Be prepared for that person to text or call you because of the void. They may beg to have you contact them to either see how you are (ignore) or beg to have you back (your call on how to deal with that)

I actually recently did a cut n clear spell myself. About a week after, I suddenly got contacted by the person after they blocked me on facebook. They tried starting a fight and talking all kind of shit after I refused to talk. I ended up yelling at her to leave me alone. Strangely, I felt absolutely nothing. It didn’t even make me feel good about it, yelling that is. I am just over it, so I don’t even care.

i did a cut and clear ritual as I was adviced and I am already feeling better and ready to move on. I won t lie , I wouldn t mind having him crying and begging me to be his girlfriend but…whatever i m done stressing over that. it def works!

I spent so many years being miserable and crazy over one guy, then I did a kind of reprise over another who wasn’t even worth it afterwards, just because I think I’d “learned” that was what to do by then… I’m happy and sorted now, but damn, wish I’d known this stuff was possible back then. :\

Being practitioners of magick, I think we fail to realize the amount of energy we give to these people, just by dwelling on them. We work so hard to focus our will and concentration and imagination in our magick work, that perhaps without even realizing it, our thoughts about these people have the same magickal effects.

It takes discipline to block them from our thoughts, but blocking them in every way with no contact whatsoever after a relationship ends is the very best way to move on and recover our inner power.

[quote=“illuminaut, post:1, topic:4417”]I know there are a multitude of ways to ensure someone is enchanted by you, but is there any way to completely abolish and wipe away feelings you may have for someone?

This individual is no good for me, and offers no hope in my evolution as a person. He has no interest in personal development and spends most of his spare time slaving away for a large corporation and watching ‘humourous’ you tube videos, where as I am largely fixated on my growth and development as a person, and building my own business and empire while devouring knowledge. Where as be believes he has ‘no choice’ over his lifestyle and has no desire to change as a person or explore the realm beyond.

He broke up with me because he “couldn’t handle my emotional extremes”, and this left me absolutely devestated.

The problem is, I still find my ego is attatched to him. I have dreams about him and wake up in agony from them. We broke up almost three months ago now, yet I still find myself bound to him. I have tried sigils to remove my feelings for him, mindfulness meditation, hypnosis and writing in order to purge these emotions from my soul.

The feelings still linger.

I banish daily and hope that any unnecessary emotional residue will be annihilated by these rituals, but it isn’t. Infact, following a banishing my feelings for him were often stronger, which is odd considering banishing usually helps rid all lingering emotions.

And yes, I have tried practicle real life solutions in order to get rid of these feelings.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated :)[/quote]

After following my own intuition.shortly after posting this I did a love ritual and then banished the thought of him from my mind and went about my business. Sure enough a few months later, he came crawling back confessing his love for me. OF course this further confirmed my power and stroked my wounded ego nicely. But it turns out it was not in my best interest and that relationship set back 6 months off my spiritual growth. plus I knew in the back of my mind I had manipulated the poor guy to fall in love with me and couldn’t even reciprocate the feelings haha. two weeks ago I ended it. Luckily he is not the obsessive type (which I have had in past relationships go AWOL) Anyway. I learnt an important lesson. Sometimes getting what we want isn’t always the best solution. But it was another confirmation of my power. Rinse and repeat. Lessons learnt. New chapter emerges.

This reminds me of the No Contact Rule, which basically states you don’t talk to your Ex after a Break-up for at least 30 days in order to give yourself a chance to heal and get over the raw emotions. It also gives the other person a breather from you, and in some circumstances if the’ve broken up with you, they begin to really miss you and see what they’ve lost and come crawling back.

Your thoughts about being away from him then seeing that he was actually not at all healthy for you in your ascent is so true. Sometimes what we crave isn’t what we need. I see no set-backs to your story. You trusted in your own power, you got what you wanted, then after you were done and saw he was holding you back, you set him loose. Win all around.

After seeing your profile picture. I will say leave that man.

I am ready to accept you even if you have AIDS lol

I don’t know how well received this might be, but I had a similar situation with unwanted emotions and I prayed the rosary, asking Mary to “convert my erotic feelings into chaste brotherly love.”

It took two days and I didn’t have feelings for the person anymore, so that’s an idea.

[quote=“ashtkerr, post:13, topic:4417”]I don’t know how well received this might be, but I had a similar situation with unwanted emotions and I prayed the rosary, asking Mary to “convert my erotic feelings into chaste brotherly love.”

It took two days and I didn’t have feelings for the person anymore, so that’s an idea.[/quote]

I use Mary quite frequently in dealing with family members in a benevolent manner. She is very reliable and has never questioned my use of dark magick, or chossen not to aid me in helpful means even though I work with demonic forces. A magician should be able to use all means at his/her disposal (benevolent or malevolent) to inact their will. Saying you use just demons because it fits what you think the image of a black sorcerer should be, will only limit you.

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