Spell, spirit for haunting a person

Hey guys
I want to have some fun, i have a target here and i dont want for it to be hurted or to get ill or lol…go nuts
I just want this person to get haunted, have terrible dreams, “paranormal” activity in their room, etc…

I want a spell for that, spirit, whatever

any cool methods for that?

I remember reading (in Evoking Eternity, I think) that some of the demons mentioned in medieval judeo-christian literature and grimoires, while not incredibly powerful overall, are very good at creating poltergeist type activity.

I’d love to read some firsthand suggestions.

I also personally have a real use for some poltergeist activity. There is a particularly annoying Presbyterian’esque church-group in my area, which I was affiliated with in the past, who have a kind of ‘anti-spiritual’ form of Christianity in which they actually teach against the existence of ghosts or demons (unlike many of your more typical christians). I think it would be amazing if objects started flying off walls and lights started flashing during a sermon. Believe it or not, such events could help to demolish what I’ve found to be an incredibly toxic worldview held by most of the people in attendance there, or at least cause the laity to begin doubting the teachings of that pastor. All of their sermons are streamed live, so it might actually become fun to watch, for the first time ever… lol

So…any spirit name and sigil?

Well this kind of reminds me of an interesting book I kind of browsed through while at barnes and noble, [url=http://www.amazon.com/Encounter-Hell-Terrifying-Demonic-Entity/dp/0738733504/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1352222885&sr=1-1&keywords=encounter+with+hell]http://www.amazon.com/Encounter-Hell-Terrifying-Demonic-Entity/dp/0738733504/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1352222885&sr=1-1&keywords=encounter+with+hell[/url]

What’s fascinating is the demon in the book claimed tobe Amon, a demon from the goetia. Why Amon would be haunting some house and giving that psychic lady a hard time is anyones guess. I think it’s either some demon posing as Amon, or someone may have commanded him to do that task.

If it’s the latter he may be the guy for the job, though you will want to specify that he doesn’t get too violent like he did in that book if its your intent. You could call him up and ask him if the demon in the book was him first to make sure.

[quote=“defectron, post:4, topic:579”]Well this kind of reminds me of an interesting book I kind of browsed through while at barnes and noble, [url=http://www.amazon.com/Encounter-Hell-Terrifying-Demonic-Entity/dp/0738733504/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1352222885&sr=1-1&keywords=encounter+with+hell]http://www.amazon.com/Encounter-Hell-Terrifying-Demonic-Entity/dp/0738733504/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1352222885&sr=1-1&keywords=encounter+with+hell[/url]

What’s fascinating is the demon in the book claimed tobe Amon, a demon from the goetia. Why Amon would be haunting some house and giving that psychic lady a hard time is anyones guess. I think it’s either some demon posing as Amon, or someone may have commanded him to do that task.

If it’s the latter he may be the guy for the job, though you will want to specify that he doesn’t get too violent like he did in that book if its your intent. You could call him up and ask him if the demon in the book was him first to make sure.[/quote]

Good, i will try it.

I forsee a thread on this same topic in the Money Magick thread, haha…

Paranormal Haunted Hotel, $100 per night! $$$ :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“redcircle, post:6, topic:579”]I forsee a thread on this same topic in the Money Magick thread, haha…

Paranormal Haunted Hotel, $100 per night! $$$ :P[/quote]

You know I wonder, if everyone put their heads together, I wonder just how haunted we could make a house get? I’d prefer it be under controlled conditions though, don’t want to walk away and come back the next day to find the place burnt to the ground because all the powers unleashed there just ran too out of control. There is actually a haunted jail nearby here, that might actually make a good test ground for this sort of thing as even if you unleashed something bizonkers there the place probably wouldnt burn down, its the jail dillenger used to be in.

What's fascinating is the demon in the book claimed tobe Amon, a demon from the goetia. Why Amon would be haunting some house and giving that psychic lady a hard time is anyones guess. I think it's either some demon posing as Amon, or someone may have commanded him to do that task.

If demons reck nothing of our concepts of physical time and space, then this is nothing. To haunt a place for a hundred years or a few minutes is all the same. That’s not to say that I actually believe a word that is written in that book.

Yeah I have no doubt any goetia demon could easily haunt a place pretty good I just found it odd, because my impression was that these guys usually don’t interfere with the world without being asked to do so.

But yeah, I wonder how difficult it would be to create a window area. For those who don’t know a window area is a place where paranormal phenomena of all sorts appears to be concentrated such as this [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinwalker_Ranch]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinwalker_Ranch[/url]

I imagine creating a place similar to the skinwalker ranch would be no easy feat but it would be interesting to try. For some reason the area around that ranch seems to be more accessable to things outside our standard reality tunnel, why that is I’m not sure but I’d love to pay the place a visit sometime.

[quote=“defectron, post:9, topic:579”]But yeah, I wonder how difficult it would be to create a window area. For those who don’t know a window area is a place where paranormal phenomena of all sorts appears to be concentrated such as this [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinwalker_Ranch]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinwalker_Ranch[/url]

I imagine creating a place similar to the skinwalker ranch would be no easy feat but it would be interesting to try. For some reason the area around that ranch seems to be more accessable to things outside our standard reality tunnel, why that is I’m not sure but I’d love to pay the place a visit sometime.[/quote]

^^ That’s pretty close to my hometown! :slight_smile:

Lot’s of native americans living in that area for a long time. In case anyone isn’t familiar, a skinwalker is a shape-shifting sorcerer by most accounts. They “walk” in the “skin” of animals. Obviously that wouldn’t be the extent of their abilities.

Hey I got an awesome idea, sometime when we have less stuff going on, we should do a group working to see if we can get James Randi’s house get haunted! Guy would probably would try to cover it up, I have a feeling he knows the paranormal is real and is just pretending otherwise, but even so should be interesting to see what would happen. If we make it so the spirits try to do shit with him while he’s in public places for example.

This is a beautiful idea. What makes it especially great is that he is highly unlikely to have magickal protection - unless his skeptic gig is purely a cynical disinformation campaign.

This is a beautiful idea. What makes it especially great is that he is highly unlikely to have magickal protection - unless his skeptic gig is purely a cynical disinformation campaign.[/quote]

Well I actually did suspect Randi of being a government shill initially, but the spirits around me say he isn’t working for any government organizations, at least not directly. However I do think there’s a high probability he does know this stuff is real and is saying otherwise due to his own reasons. It may be possible he does have some abilitys if that is the case. But if so it would just make it a bit more of a challenge for us to bust through whatever may be around him.

Funny you mention this guy, but even I don`t know him the named rang some bells…and then I remembered I had read some time ago, a very interesting thing regarding some guy who sent the demon Forcalor to him.
If you wanna read it,here it is:


But the guy is still alive, isn`t he???

Funny you mention this guy, but even I don`t know him the named rang some bells…and then I remembered I had read some time ago, a very interesting thing regarding some guy who sent the demon Focalor to him.
If you wanna read it,here it is:


But the guy is still alive, isn`t he???[/quote]

Randi did get cancer shortly after that blog was made, however he made a full recovery. Thanks for posting that because I think this tells us something important about what Randi is capable of. The fact he recovered would seem to suggest my theorie is correct, he does indeed possess some abilities and he’s a deliberate saboteur. However it also means those abilities are limited, if something stronger then Focalor were to come by he may not do so well.

Anyway it’s not my intention to send a demon out to destroy him, if and when this group happens. That would be pointless, what I want to do is create a haunting that would cause so much paranormal activity around him, he couldnt cover it up. Also maybe have some demons or something cause him to slip up and expose him for what he is. This part over here is extremely telling about Randi’s true nature.

“Is that your interest? He is the one for that, but your cause against him is conceived in haste. I would caution you that he is well protected. I am loathe to complete this task. I shall do as you say on account of the bindings.”

EDIT: Here’s what I think the challenge of the project would be if it were to happen, it would be to make a haunting in the jref building here http://wikimapia.org/10559707/James-Randi-Educational-Foundation-JREF

Hello all, I remembered the following discussion from another site describing how “to travel in spirit sight to create portals from a haunted house to a not-yet-haunted location and we’ll leave these portals jammed open to hopefully allow certain low-level denizens of the astral plane to come and go and to do freely as they please” at


Hope this helps.

Many thanks for the link my friend. It’s a site I visit too. Some very knowledgable and nice people there.

If there’s something that i want to do before I leave this life, is to haunt a place with magick.

That would be one hell of a legacy Divinator.