Speeding up time

Is there any way or spirit that can spread up time or the illusion of time going by fast for someone?



The Master of Time from the Book of Azazel, Ahk’laht’esh.
I worked with him from a different group and just recognise him, but been able to successfully slow time to say, not be late while driving to an appointment several times. He can teach you how to slow or speed it up.


If you figure out a way let us know!
Id love to figure out how to speed up my day at work! :grinning:

They say you shouldn’t wish your life away but still!!

i definately had trouble with the speed of time after working with the demon mentioned above… not sure if time was faster or if i just wasn’t aware of time as mu
ch - not as useful as i thought it would be lol

:heart: Lucifer :heart: helps with time manipulation

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