Speaking Demonic Tongues on Video?

That’s really cool. Its all me. I was shifting through several of my other selves from other lifetimes. My video is only an introduction to the different tones and voices. You can plainly hear the difference from the hard to the soft ones.

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Been seeing 616 since March 2019. Last night watched a movie called the house of the witch. Had a dream about a witch. And the address in the movie to the house of the witch was 616. Its on Netflix check it out, its decent.

Woke up to this video which is 6:16 . thank you for your help :grin:

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The native language of demons is Enochian, because they are former angels. “Tongues” is a side effect of religious ecstasy, particularly for Christian Baptists and Pentecostals. Depending on your aims you may wish to ask your spirit to demonstrate in his native tongue or else instill you with a blasphemous variant of tongues ecstasy accordingly.


I know this is quite an old thread but could you please upload more on it!