Soul travel issues

Hi, I seem to have an unusual problem, or at least I didn’t find any similar experiences to mine.
I can’t soul travel or astral project on my own, but when I get pulled by someone, I don’t even realise that I am soul travelling, while the person who pulled me up said that I was there and even spoke to them.
To me, all that happened is I felt the energy of the person, had high pitched ringing in ears and that’s it, my consciousness stays in my physical body. Unless the person who pulled me up told me that it worked, I wouldn’t have known!
I did a meditation, to align my subtle bodies, various other meditations for soul travel, but still nothing works, for bringing my consciousness along on the trip…
I would appreciate if anyone can suggest a solution! Thank you in advance.

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Keep practicing , simple as that

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How have you been doing it?
If you keep using the same method that doesn’t work for you or doing it the wrong way, no matter how much you practice you just won’t reach success.

If you still couldn’t do it on your own, seek Spirits assistance. Those who can help you separate your physical body from your astral body.
You will consciously project.


as far as i know Gaap and Bathin can do that, as well other spirits. but these two i know

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Getting pulled out is a crutch and not even a helpful one, unless you work out your clairs you won’t know how to work out your senses when you’re in projection, working out your senses here, working them out in the astral/mental and working them out in “soul travel” are not the same, the basis is the same as they work with the same method, but each plane’s density is different and working them out is majority based on which one your in at the time of practicing them.


Listen to Velonos, hes bin there, done that, he knows a few things. dude’s up-to-date.

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That sounds like my experiences. I created thought forms that would help; but looking back I wonder if it was the thought forum or other spirits that were helping me. I sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with me as well, or if it lack or practice or lack of right practice.

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You should read Robert Bruce stuff about the astral! There is an explanation that says you actually projected but the double failed to merge back so like when you fail to download data to a memory! Thats why you don’t remember the experience but you remember the physical body experience instead!
He says you need to give yourself a command to come back and remember everything! Like putting the intention to remember your experience and go back to your physical body before your projection runs out of energy! Then its a matter of trusting that the copy you have projected will follow up on it!
Am not sure am explaining it right so you should read about it if you’re interested!