I cannot soul/astral travel for anything. I’ve tried the rope method, the roll out method, EA’s way, mushrooms, guided meditation, and other methods on here. I’ve asked deity and deity. I get calm. I feel my body buzzing and numb. I get twitches that feel like something might happen then nothing… What is wrong with me? Is it just harder for people with autism lol
Maybe it is because it took me years until someone on this forum helped me. The advice I was given pretty much was fake it till you make it. Just use your imagination to put you there.
I have been doing that. Maybe I’ll try some herbs.
I feel if your too identified with your body and locked into the mindset of the being in the material world it makes it harder. Personally i place more value on the material world around me than the spiritual one, i like the pleasures of this world and i have no interest in astral travel.
We’re different on that aspect then. I find the material world quite boring.
There are some exercises and techniques to help open your third eye in the balg soul travel video course, maybe that would help.
That is what I meant when I said I tried EA’s method
have u tried simply meditating and intending your way out of your body? I did this once and it was a smooth transition between material and spiritual, no body vibrations or whatever. My attention simply transfered from physical to spiritual.
I’ve heard of this and am willing to give it a try of course. Is there any focus for the meditation or is it just getting out of your body? I did order a tea recently to see if it would help. I think it is blue lotus and mexican dream herb.
The focus is simply the intention of “Spirit Travelling” atleast thats the term i used, if you use astral projection terminology, thats fine. The only other component really is just be relaxed enough. You’ll probably wanna be in a more theta (or is it delta?) state. The one just below alpha on the scale.
Have you tried “letting go”? Basically the tactic goes as follows: you forget about every limb, every part of your body, trusting that you don’t need it, and move yourself in the same way that you would if you were imagining your space.
I started actively trying to astral travel with the rope from the third eye method (didn’t work)
As a kid I could do the roll out method, but not as an adult.
I haven’t tried EA’s way.
I have tried mushrooms (works great).
I have tried guided meditations (not useful for astral travel for me).
I have worked with entities (they have got me out of my body), and entities taught me the “let go” method.
The one method you haven’t mentioned is the radio antennae method, where you sit and make an antennae up from your crown into space and follow that up and out, although that’s similar to the rope method so it may not work. I’ve found it worked better for me than the rope.
Doesn’t sound like anything’s wrong with you, astral travel is hard and it took me about 7 years of regular practice before I started being able to do it reliably on demand and I still wonder if I’m faking it.