Soo.. I married the wrong guy

It’s cool. We’ll make mistakes along the way. I just wanted to know if it was your mistake or it was actually the spirits fucking with you.


What a coincidence! So is Samael in Gnosticism!

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Wait, really? O_O


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Samael, Azazel. As long as you two love each other, what does it matter? That being is still the same being who talked to you, helped you.

Now we know who he really is. :sweat::upside_down_face::sweat_smile:

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Yeah, it makes sense why he was much more aggressive than Azazel is known for… :sweat_smile:

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Azazel and all Daemons feel different. You can feel there energy. Some can feel slightly the same. Paimon can feel like Azazel. No entity can impersonate the Daemon Gods. Not gonna happen. The lower unnamed daemons can screw with you and other entities.

Well I’ll be damned (not literally)

Probably Samael and Azazel feel similar, so it probably also was my imagination trying to depict the sigil. All I ever known was Azazel’s sigil like the back of my hand

Better go back and ask @Lady_Eva to edit all yer posts and titles.


Why not fuck humans tho?

Can’t impersonate that shit


Humans hate me. I never even had a first kiss :sob:

Nigga you crack me up :joy:



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Or do we?


No first kiss? The fuck?

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dun dun dun.
Maybe it’s not even Samael, but the archetype of Samael that transcends any entity.

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So basically, my imagination fills in the little vision I see. I can barely vision anything, so my mind does the rest of the work.

Since I only ever known Azazel’s, I mistaken Azazel for Samael.

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Maybe it’s the ghost of Tutenkamen having a little fun.

That’s up to RE3 to find out.


Then how do you know it’s Samael?

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