Someone keeps calling me

I’ve been doing a little evocation and so far managed to call on Lilith. She spelled out her name for me so I know it was her. Lately I’ve felt a masculine presents near me. This becomes particularly more prevalent when I’m laying in bed. This morning I was awakened by a mans voice shouting “hey” right in my ear. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could figure out who’s trying to reach out to me?

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Well, I suppose you could focus on the voice, and imagine a thread connected from you to it’s originator with the intent of communicating and learning its identity. It’s a snooch ghetto, but should work.

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Well if you called out to Lilith, Her consort might definitely be trying to reach to you as well.

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I will definitely try that out tonight! Thank you

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I guess you are using a ouija board to communicate. It could be her, but not necessarily. You could be speaking to your own subconscious or something entirely else. The fact that her name was spelled is really proof of nothing. The male voice rather sounds like a manifestation of what you were actually communicating with.

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I didn’t use a board I was in the shower and she wrote it on the door. Which I was ecstatic about.

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Okay, thats really cool and creepy at the same time. What you have evidence of is a very definite presence and proof that you aren’t just in your own head. Explore and validate further. Other spirits can spell too. :wink: