Someone got ahold of my hair

I need a simple yet very effective not magick spell or something to avoid it what ever is it they are planing to do with it, protection of me mostly and other around me? Anyone got any self defense stuff


Do you sense what she is going to do with it?

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Santana for the start of making it simple use crystal salt fill it in a glass or some small container and keep it along with u or place where you sleep it will be effective im sure you dont need to complicate it so much trust on Lord satan he would never let you down try to invoke him with simple words no spell are needed i believe simple words with strong believe and wil power sure make things happens im not a expert still shared my ideas


Focus on the link you have to your hair and flood it with purging fire. At the very least all energetic connection to your will be obliterated. If you are very skilled in elemental magick it might even cause the physical sample to combust or react violently when interfered with.
When done right even if the physical sample is intact it will be hollow and dead burnt to ash in the astral that is useless. This works for anything you have an energetic link to that can be used in such a fashion. Blood, hair, skin, whatever.

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Usually someone’s hair is used for love spells. Sounds like you have a secret admirer.

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Clue us in on whats been happening, it’s 19 days since your post and I’m curious what you learned if anything.


Get a picture, wrap it in tinfoil tape it up with medical tape saying I bind you from doing harm to me, anything you to to me will come back to you 3 fold and bury it. Release it if they prove trust worthy. Even this amount of baneful magick takes a piece of you to do, when you dig them up you fill a piece of yourself come back to you and it is very relieving and healing.

This is the most simple and least baneful protective magick you can do though I believe.
Make sure the tinfoil fully covers you want it as a 360 mirror so that everything they do comes back to them, this also counts if they do positive things too.