Some Dreams I had that I'd really like some interpretation

I’m at like this mountain retreat, there’s snow everywhere. It’s like a high roller’s retreat for wealthy people and I’m with my family in some chateau But for some reason I choose to sleep in my tent.

So I’m in my tent which is just located a little ways out in the bushes out of the village. There’s these red birds in my tent, they have nests Then these cats come in, 3 kittens led by this tomcat. The lead cat starts talking to me.

I’m like what the hell? A talking cat? I must be dreaming? Is this a dream? But I’m in my tent? I ask him where he learned to talk And he said the Salmon taught him I’m like the Salmon? What? Then I asked why he has a bunch of kittens following him because he’s male and he said their mother died tragically and he took them on and is teaching them how to be cats. Then they start trying to attack and kill the red birds in my tent And I’m getting upset about this; the cat says you have to let us eat, this is the way life works, sorry that it upsets you and I’m like okay and I release this bird to the cat and he kills and starts eating it. I was thinking of just letting the bird fly free out the tent but I let the talking cat have it

Then for some reason I wandered out of my tent I find myself outside like the management cabin there’s this Asian lady who is telling me she found my camp and doesn’t like that I’m not in a château but she didn’t properly describe my tent so I was like “Lady I dunno what you’re talking about I’m not some bum living next to the wall in some wooden hut” but I noticed I’m wearing a robe, with socks, and sandals. She is acting in a very seductive manner… Like leaning in close, eyeing my genitals, just acting like she wants to fuck me, winking at me, giving me a seductive like grin… So I lean in to kiss her and she says you have to come inside…

She goes inside the building, I follow, closing the door behind me. She’s getting into this bed, I see FIVE other guys in the bed I’m like whoa… Then I peek my head over a railing and see like three other guys laying down in another section of the bed And I’m like “HOLY SHIT!” This lady has a SERIOUS sex problem and this scares the hell out of me so I start running… I see a bunch of things I don’t wanna see like drugged up ladies being used by high rollers who can afford to have all their activities kept quiet and I’m like where the hell did we come for vacation

I’m trying to find the exit and I bump in to this drugged up girl and I’m like “Sorry I’m trying to find the way out of here.” I finally find the way out and I start running for my life, running through snow in my sandals
I keep finding myself back at these crossroads. Eventually I wake up and I’m like what the fuck

Sorry for wall of text.

Next dream:

I’m flying above a strange land, and I see a place and decide to land.
There are a bunch of people and I decide to render myself invisible and walk among them and see what they are doing.

So I’m invisible and walking amongst them checking out what they are doing

I realize they are at war with some other tribe or something, and they are going to get slaughtered because they have no weapons
And I reveal myself, I’m like I have come, a powerful sorcerer, to aid you in defeating your enemies. Perform this spell with me and you shall have weapons.

They start to perform the incantations and actions I instructed them, and weapons start appearing in their hands. Symbols start appearing in the sky as a result of the nexus of power I had just created.

After they received their weapons, I woke up.

My thoughts:

The cat was probably a representation of Lord Baal. When he said “the Salmon taught me” this made no sense to me at first, but then I thought back to something a Wiccan told me years ago. She told me one of my animal totems is the fish, or more specifically, the water AROUND the fish. The water that supports the fish. So him telling me that the Salmon taught him, is like he was telling me that I have awakened the aspect of Baal within myself… And when he starts to kill the birds to eat them and tells me that I have to allow him to have the birds so he can eat. He was telling me that I need to be able to become one with the darkness, to be capable of evil, as if I wish to rise to power, I must embrace ALL aspects of myself, including the dark side.

[quote=“Illustrious, post:1, topic:3604”]I’m at like this mountain retreat, there’s snow everywhere. It’s like a high roller’s retreat for wealthy people and I’m with my family in some chateau But for some reason I choose to sleep in my tent.

So I’m in my tent which is just located a little ways out in the bushes out of the village. There’s these red birds in my tent, they have nests Then these cats come in, 3 kittens led by this tomcat. The lead cat starts talking to me.

I’m like what the hell? A talking cat? I must be dreaming? Is this a dream? But I’m in my tent? I ask him where he learned to talk And he said the Salmon taught him I’m like the Salmon? What? Then I asked why he has a bunch of kittens following him because he’s male and he said their mother died tragically and he took them on and is teaching them how to be cats. Then they start trying to attack and kill the red birds in my tent And I’m getting upset about this; the cat says you have to let us eat, this is the way life works, sorry that it upsets you and I’m like okay and I release this bird to the cat and he kills and starts eating it. I was thinking of just letting the bird fly free out the tent but I let the talking cat have it

Then for some reason I wandered out of my tent I find myself outside like the management cabin there’s this Asian lady who is telling me she found my camp and doesn’t like that I’m not in a château but she didn’t properly describe my tent so I was like “Lady I dunno what you’re talking about I’m not some bum living next to the wall in some wooden hut” but I noticed I’m wearing a robe, with socks, and sandals. She is acting in a very seductive manner… Like leaning in close, eyeing my genitals, just acting like she wants to fuck me, winking at me, giving me a seductive like grin… So I lean in to kiss her and she says you have to come inside…

She goes inside the building, I follow, closing the door behind me. She’s getting into this bed, I see FIVE other guys in the bed I’m like whoa… Then I peek my head over a railing and see like three other guys laying down in another section of the bed And I’m like “HOLY SHIT!” This lady has a SERIOUS sex problem and this scares the hell out of me so I start running… I see a bunch of things I don’t wanna see like drugged up ladies being used by high rollers who can afford to have all their activities kept quiet and I’m like where the hell did we come for vacation

I’m trying to find the exit and I bump in to this drugged up girl and I’m like “Sorry I’m trying to find the way out of here.” I finally find the way out and I start running for my life, running through snow in my sandals
I keep finding myself back at these crossroads. Eventually I wake up and I’m like what the fuck

Sorry for wall of text.

Next dream:

I’m flying above a strange land, and I see a place and decide to land.
There are a bunch of people and I decide to render myself invisible and walk among them and see what they are doing.

So I’m invisible and walking amongst them checking out what they are doing

I realize they are at war with some other tribe or something, and they are going to get slaughtered because they have no weapons
And I reveal myself, I’m like I have come, a powerful sorcerer, to aid you in defeating your enemies. Perform this spell with me and you shall have weapons.

They start to perform the incantations and actions I instructed them, and weapons start appearing in their hands. Symbols start appearing in the sky as a result of the nexus of power I had just created.

After they received their weapons, I woke up.

My thoughts:

The cat was probably a representation of Lord Baal. When he said “the Salmon taught me” this made no sense to me at first, but then I thought back to something a Wiccan told me years ago. She told me one of my animal totems is the fish, or more specifically, the water AROUND the fish. The water that supports the fish. So him telling me that the Salmon taught him, is like he was telling me that I have awakened the aspect of Baal within myself… And when he starts to kill the birds to eat them and tells me that I have to allow him to have the birds so he can eat. He was telling me that I need to be able to become one with the darkness, to be capable of evil, as if I wish to rise to power, I must embrace ALL aspects of myself, including the dark side.[/quote]bro you understanding of your own dream is good.but most interpreters see the cat as a bad symbol,to see yourself fighting a cat means you are going to get sick.if the cat bites,the sickness will be protracted but if you defeat the cat you will get you weren’t able to stop the cat from doing what you think is evil in your dream, no one will watch cat eating birds alive and also the cat is a symbol of ailment.some interpreters also add that to see a cat entering your house means thieves may enter the also implies loss of property or loss of spouse through divorce.for seductive woman i think you are aware of the morals of women cheating whilst they are married.very troublesome so be beware of the kind of woman you walk with or becareful maybe there is something which you do due to impatience which could lead you to problem.see woman in your dream with such character could mean problem putting you in risk becareful with decisiom you make before it too late.flying could also mean attaining success in life,having success in business.for a man of magic it could mean also be a spiritual elevation.anyway dreams are reflection of how you think and things you love most or thinks of all the time can lead you to dream about those especially about the place you went invisible and doing things with power could mean that you need power.what is in your mind are the reflection of your dreams.

It wasn’t a fight at all, the whole conversation was very calm and interesting, the negative stuff didn’t start happening until I entered that cabin behind the Asian lady

[quote=“Illustrious, post:3, topic:3604”]It wasn’t a fight at all, the whole conversation was very calm and interesting, the negative stuff didn’t start happening until I entered that cabin behind the Asian lady[/quote]Yeah i understand what you said.just how most interpreters say about cat in a dream and my own understanding of your dream.having nice conversation doesn’t always mean good.

If you choose to stay in a hut, rather than a chateau, you’re making a bad choice. The cat is an omen of evil. The seductive woman means you may have a sex problem to deal with, or a lady MacBeth situation. Perhaps you’re in a relationship and being tempted or fell to the temptation of another woman. You letting the cat eat the birds could be a sign that you are letting something in your life that’s going to destroy those you love. Again, Lady MacBeth?

I’ll try to sort through your dream (though it may be kinda long);
Snow I find to represent “frozen” emotions or ideas,thought patterens that may no longer serve you so naturally they have become frozen within your subconsciousness maybe to be dealt with at another time -think have you been meaning to “get back” to something within your life? something you put on hold for while or even your emotions may mean you’ve “frozen how you feel” cuz water is simply intutive and free flowing part of ourselfs when it is in a "frozen state no growth-no emotional connection! the fact that in your dream YOU had chose to stay in the tent instead of the chateau signifies your preference for non glamourous way of life and that you were wearing robe,socks and sandles much like the monks that have no desire for the "expensive designer “LABELS” that EVERYONE must posses your choice to strip away from the "glam means you are on the right path and continue to progress ,now the red birds - Red is associated with fiery heat and warmth. It can also mean danger
red is the color of blood, and as such has strong symbolism as life and vitality. It brings focus to the essence of life and living with emphasis on survival. Red is also the color of passion and lust.
In dreams, animals in particular are used as expressions of the Self–especially the parts that are hidden such as visceral emotional responses or impulses that are unconscious. Cats can symbolize those concepts but they also make for shadow and symbolism.
Three kittens= I interpret a “kitten” as young under developed aspects of our nature the point of the adult male tomcat that took kittens UNDER HIS WING to teach guide and show them to become all that there is to be a cat tells me that in some ways you have grown enough but need to hone and sharpen what you do own those finer abilities , The meaning of number Three deals with magic, intuition also . Three is also a time identifier as it represents Past, Present and Future. even mind body&spirit.that the idea of you being uncomfortable with letting(allowing the kittens/cat to eat those birds here I feel you at first wern’t comfortable with letting a aspect of your self eat/let go of something you felt passionate about yet you gave in you did this somehow knowing this was the way things work(surrender is the key here)
A male cat can represent male sex drive and as the "tomcat’ spoke to you first how the salmon taught the male cat how to talk, I see a un balance here again there is the elment of water=emotions that keeps standing out ok now for the salmon this fish if you look at it what does it do? for a short while the main goal is to mate then fights it’s way UPSTREAM to lays it’s eggs then dies but it’s carrying on it’s genepool (rebirth) I see the number three again past,present and future are you fightening an uphill battle maybe within your self perhaps? going against lifes currents strong as they may be you are not giving in nor are you ready to let go(the frozen snow part of your dream) now it gets more in depth here as a human female shows up, ok with all these heavy symbolism images that have female aspects to them=water,mother cat that died going into a building( what kind of building was it-you only stated it to be a building) through a door entrance then you closed a door I see buildings/houses as parts of our SUBconsciousness and for each room a bit of the self we tend to hide /store things in now in your dream are you surpressing a part of yourself that scares you? a softer side of yourself that you would rather not have to deal with-again go back to the frozen water) now this could mean you are not letting / allowing a balance of your energies to come together as a whole, embracing your dualities in todays world there seems to be alot of people that can’t /or want to realize we do have this duality within us. now sex does play a big part here but it is also another clue to look past once again there is a number and it’s five this time so five 5’s appearing in your dream may be implying that it is time to break free from the old constraints and restraints that have been holding you back, and begin to live your life with passion and purpose.Number 5 tells of adventure, life changes, freedom, spontaneity and action. Seeing 5’s in a dream may be suggesting changes coming up in your life or life path that may alter your course.Then as you look over the railing you see another THREE males ok let me break this all down we got 4 cats+5 males in one bed+three more on another part of the bed so for the human males it totals out to 8 =The symbolism backing number Eight deals largely with business, success, and wealth. This is due to the fact that Eight represents continuation, repetition, and cycles. Such elements are seen in arenas where success is obtained simply because of dogged determination and repetition. Also, matters of business and wealth largely depend on cycles to fulfill their manifestation. Eight represents that kind of momentum.
Now there seem to be certain things that you do not wish to see in your dream like the drugged up females being “used” by these high rollers I assume them to be male? and they use the power of “WEALTH -a physcial means” as a way to quiet the feminine(spiritual) aspect nature? I see again the laws of UNbalance being played out here. have you surpressed a part of yourself because there is alot of things being repeated in your dream areas that you refuse to deal with? or even parts of your inner self that you find undesirable yet need you as you need them to grow, I hope this helps you some.

Wow Gypsey! Saw this really late, but damn, that was insightful.

Hope it made sense for you

It did, thank you!