Solitary practioner vs Coven/Order practicing

This will be my first post, besides my introduction.
So, I have practiced solitary, as well as in a group enviroments, and have found several pros and cons to both. The reason I am posting this is that Im currently considering taking my personal practice outlines, fleshing them out, and using them to design a curriculum of sorts, and possibly using them to begin an “Order” for lack of a better word.
I would like to hear other peoples opinions, experiences, any and all input would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Usually people don’t start orders or covens unless they are power hungry and seeking to gain recognition by acting as group leader and being in charge. I’ve never met a single LHP or black magick oriented group leader that wasn’t a selfish douche looking for attention and other people to feed his or her own ego. Those things never work out because the leader either gets too demanding or people don’t agree with each other, or two people end up fighting over whose really in charge. Especially with nothing but LHP magicians who all consider themselves to be above rules and organized systems, or consider themselves gods.

Unless you’re planning on starting a massive sized order that has so many people they are literally disposable and can easily be kicked out if they start any shit with the other members without it hurting the total number of people count. And to do that you gotta come up with a pretty good system that no one else has already created, because most of this stuff has been done already. There’s pretty much an order or coven for every type of system out there, and they duplicate in mass droves.

Maybe you could just start a group to practise some kind of magick together, without anyone being a leader. It should be something everyone would enjoy to be in :slight_smile:

The solo road is only for those with their own inner foundations. Those who need nonself validation are better to follow someone else’s system rather than making their own. Lhp ain’t for everyone…

I know exactly where you are coming from RavensAscent, Ive been in groups that suffered alot from egos and control-freaks… but on the other hand, Ive seen alot of power develop in a group that was actually in sync with each other.
I admit that Ive stayed away from groups for quite some time for some of those reasons, but now Ive just reached a place in my own developement where Id like to explore the idea of using a group dynamic.
I dont think that I would even want to be in a large group, where peoples individuallity is lost in the crowd, but a smaller group, with everyone bringing different concepts and strengths in an equal fashion can be quite productive.
Anyways, Thank you RavensAscent, ErikFyr, and E Sabot for your input. And dark blessings to you all. :wink:

For most people they need to join a group or Organization to harness the benefits of extra power behind their spellcraft. Usually though the power goes up the chain of Command. You can gain significant amount of power rivaling even that of Covens, but that in itself is a Warrior Priest Kings path. That is the key; you have to be in sync meaning you have to share the same goals.

Any organization is an intelligence. Just as humans care little for their smaller microcosms which persist throughout their own body, so too are super consciousness organisms inconsiderate of their lesser micro cosmic units.

Sure, a lot can be learned riding another’s wake or being tested on. It’s those on a solo path who find themselves. It’s way harder. nobody holds your hand. Nobody takes from it either… unless you grant it. Solo path has a funny way of causing naturally occurring harmonic resonance whereas selecting that which appeals to your ego will produce vain works.

“All is vanity, a striving after wind” -King Solomon

So if one is to strive after wind as if one’s purposes are as nothing, then spend that time being unique as possible. Be different. Screw clubs. Love the wanderer! You might hear something amazing initiating a thought you might have never had otherwise. Loneliness is a powerful tool.

[quote=“Malak Ra, post:1, topic:7388”]The reason I am posting this is that Im currently considering taking my personal practice outlines, fleshing them out, and using them to design a curriculum of sorts, and possibly using them to begin an “Order” for lack of a better word.
I would like to hear other peoples opinions, experiences, any and all input would be appreciated.[/quote]

You can avoid or lessen many of the inherent problems if you read up on good leadership and management practices, familiarising yourself with things like cognitive biases, and also taking a very good hard look at your own strengths and weaknesses and keeping a wary eye on ways in which they might cause problems later on.

I don’t see any reason not to do it, RHP groups (even just online) as as prone to backbiting and so on, with the leaders or “elders” ceasing to do anything except snipe and judge the newer members, and the RHP nis far worse because they do tend to believe that their woill, and “God’s” will (or the universe, karma etc) must be one and the same thing since they’re such devoted servants/students of something higher than themselves.

At least on the LHP, the buck stops with the person talking!