@SoldmysoultoLilith Please make your introduction as requested before making any more posts.
The first thing to confirm is that you don’t have a parasite. No higher being like Lilith should be making promises they can’t keep. But impostors and parasites will pretend to be all sorts of big names get get at your energy: they key is, they never deliver.
And why did you try to make such a severe deal when you don’t even know what you’re getting in return or how to get it!? Do you know what it even means or how the entity is supposed to collect (they can’t, so you’re not going to “hell” or anything). So, what, you’re turning to strangers online to tell you how to get your payment? … Wait, actually that’s fine and I have a great deal on this bridge you should buy off me.
This is correct… You can’t sell what your ego doesn’t own. It’s more like the other way around: your higher self owns your ego: it’s who made the decision that you’d incarnate here and now, and Lilith doesn’t get to gainsay it’s decisions, no one does, because you are sovereign. The selling your soul movie trope is pure nonsense.
You CAN make pacts, you can make deals to do certain things, but once you die you’re in a new life, and all deals are off, and you always have free will to break them. A “soul contract” is a whole other thing: it doesn’t sound like that’s what this is: you’re protected from accidentally making that kind of thing.
A lot of us here have contact with Lilith. Imo, Lilith would have a good laugh, then you get serious and have an adult conversation. Whatever it is you want, you’re going to have to put in effort, and Lilith will help without needing you to pay such high fees. Start with simple sigil magick requests and go from there.