Sola plexus chakra vs element of fire

I work daily with the chakras in my demonic elemental balancing circle but have begun to focus more on the lower chakra as my will and grounding is weak. Now I have also studied the elements and sola plexus correspondence with the element of fire, sacral with the element of water and root chakra with the element of earth. Does it mean that when I slow open these chakras I begin to get more of these elements in me?


you become more aware of them. Balance them and try to use them to your advantage i can invoke the elements through deep trnace states and meditation

You control the elements better. If you work daily with the chakras and the elements you will see in time that when you are upset the weather changes according to your element and it’s totally natural and some practitioners can manipulate it even at will

You mean sola plexus chant for instance infuse the element of fire in my soul?

I want too, to learn about chakras and its associated element, is there any book for recommendations please. Because am searching for way out through this 3 chakras (manipura, svadisthana and muladhara)

Any recommendations book

The human being as microcosm = universe/macrocosm would already “contain” the elements. Possibly it’s a sort of activation.

The chakras are energy tornadoes that takes energy from macrocosmic into microcosmos.

Qi Gong, Yoga mudra and ninjutsu magic kuji in

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