So my life is in peril and I'm getting desperate

Not working with demons at all. It gives me horrible nightmares.Tried them.

This video is awful. Gave me nightmares.

You honestly sound like you shouldn’t be a part of this forum maybe you shouldn’t be trying to work with any entities just find a different magic practice like candle magic or something


lol. demons are same as angels. Just different entity or spirit. They get a bad reputation from tv movies marketing. demon means spirit in another language. Don’t be mislead by false info. Do your own research on them. The fear is from your misconception of them by the media or church promoting hell vs heaven, demons vs angels. See spirits for what it is. U can always put up protection rituals before working. Most Gallery of Magick books have protection magick inside the process of asking demons for help. They are probably your best bet to learn about demons without being afraid you did wrong spell casting.

There’s the option of angels if demons worry you. There are many roads to one destination. The 7 olympic spirits is another option . One of them expert in wealth.

Or work with demons that is less intimidating. Mammon isn’t for the beginners. he’s dead serious and u don’t want to invoke,evoke him until your really ready for the big guns. Meaning those aiming for millions. He don’t work with chump change otherwise you get ban from him… there are other demons for that.

I didnt’ watch that video. I don’t trust any youtube process without proper background info. You can’t just watch any video on casting magick and do it. You need proper foundation info for safety. hence your own research on magick.

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What is this?

Yeah, i think so too.


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What does that mean

You are in the US?


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it means … bus. go to bus stop… and bus coming. If u put click on it. it shows the words. hence , your transportation. =o)

Our minds think in images so i would think it makes more sense than words . haha.

Lol yes hopefully these mystical runes will help you summon transportation to work! :upside_down_face:

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That’s not funny they aren’t runes they are emojis or whatever and there are no bus stops within a 30 mile radius from me

runes are actually pictures. Magick require one to not be too strict but flexible in one’s thinking. emojis are modern runes or modern cave drawings. In a way pictures are symbols and can also be sigils.

what about :train: :bullettrain_side:

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Nope! only :red_car: :motorcycle: and :articulated_lorry: everywhere

uber , lyft. guess that would eat up your daily work since 30miles isn’t cheap. :man_shrugging:

moving closer to work? guess it’s a toughy one since everywhere seems to be lock down. hard to find work. some don’t even want to work due to virus potential death.

Uber isnt available out here either

I’ve been trying to think my way out of this for a month

find job closer to home?

No work out there it’s a super small town and the only stores are a dollar store and a gas station