So I met Belial for the first time. Here's his message

Belial is awesome. That tingling probably means that he has put his mark on you and when his energy is around it gets activated. If you look at it with your minds eye you may see it glowing even. It is a connection to him ans he can actually summon you with it if he wants your attention. If it suddenly starts tingling or hurting it means he is calling you. Has that happened? For no reason you suddenly realized you feel that area tingling or hurting a little> Or a lot depending on the situation? Oh… He said very simply and calmly, I come, because I’m called.


Update: I can still feel Belial’s energy. I feel more energized. pumped up, and aggressive. The sensation is the same as it was at the end of my ritual, and after it.

It’s almost as if Belial has established some sort of link with me or something.


the best is yet to come when he starts to wake you up during your sleep with en energy that gives a sensation that make you tremble of shivers,it made me euphoric when he first did it,i was laughing like a psychopat

it was a big ( wake up motherF***) lol


I never thought of that. My left hand actually did start tingling when I read your comment. So cool!

At times I get a feeling like my legs are covered in spiderwebs. When I get that, it’s usually followed by very strong tingling in my arm.


He better not wake me up. I need my sleep!


at this very moment he is probably saying ( this humans are talking about me ) lol


Who is the most worthless in the Hebrew bible, he is the master. :zap:


Bible is the cult of finite.

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So I have had a lifetime of Supernatural experiences on and off. I believe Belial has been watching me for a very long time. At the height of my annoyances with the indoctrinated masses I felt a shadowy presence. A man with deep brown eyes, somewhat paleish white skin and neatly combed blonde hair and wearing a nice dress suit. Classic Black. Sometimes he would light a Cigar or a Cigerette rolled with 100$ bills as he watched, to then step in and give me advice and knowledge that was completely counter to everything ever said to me or what I experienced. He has also shown up in other forms as well, and I have seen at times that this being had what I initially thought were “reptillian eyes” but then realized they were Dragons Eyes. I have no idea how to describe how one can differentiate what “Dragon Eyes” are, but more so that a Dragon is different, because they have both Power/Wisdom and a far Vaster Knowledge that seemed to emanate from those eyes.

Belial also has a Big twisted sense of humor. There was this person I didn’t like and he came around to the person and looked at them straight and smiled saying “Hello Jesus” (as in calling them Jesus Christ) to make fun of them. Soo…I am going to work with this entity more as he seems very interesting.


I had worked with Belial since 10 years from now. From the first study was something that attracted me to his essence. He had appeared to me as a young adult very good-looking surrounded by a vibrant green aura. He can be a trickster from time to time, but at the end of the day it gets the job done.


I just started working with him. I think he enjoys cursing assholes because I randomly cursed my ex husband finally after putting up with years of hardship. It was not planned! I laughed like an an evil villain after. I never felt so good. I have not seen the results yet but it was only couple weeks ago. How long did your curse take?


Ive done many, but the first was the most powerful. Worked in 7 hours and lasted 6 months


@anon79490384 what you said was what I expected him to be. But my first experience was quite different.

He said:
“I want you to surrender to me”. Whatever it means! Actually I’d be glad if you people (and @Lady_Eva ) could help me understand it. He actually was quite scary lol.

Also said: “I will give you far more than you imagine”.

It wasn’t what I expected at all! But he was actually the only demon to ever talk about my illness and I didn’t even mention it and it surprised me quite a lot.

He also told me to do what I didn’t want to do professionally. I don’t know if this will turn out to be the best option in the near future or not but maybe it was because of that (regardless of how unhappy I was about this profession).

He is so far actually the one who has helped me the most. But I now wonder what he wants from me, specially after reading your Belial Files post @Lady_Eva (about something in it for him).