So I did a thing again

The story behind it is that I had a crystal that I consecrated to be the Moon, and I wanted to have a solar counterpart to it.

I used my God Stone in the working to consecrate it. Declaring with my authority that this crystal is the Sun, and burning the candles to provide a vehicle through which to manifest the result.

Long story short, the candles basically exploded and I’m pretty sure this stone is the Sun now.

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eats popcorn If this is the case, you may destroy your house at this rate.

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Would the Sun destroy my apartment? Lol

It destroyed your candles according to you.


@itsnathanm7 It was the ritual that I used to consecrate it that destroyed the candles. Not the crystal itself.

Either way it’s not my stuff lol. You having fun with these rocks?

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I’m just waiting for someone to scry into it to see what they get from it.

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“Spongebob: it’s not a boulder, it’s a rock.”

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Yeah that’ll be interesting.

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Hopefully they don’t go blind.

Not if they have sunglasses.

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Astral sunglasses, for when you need to look cool for your spirit bros.

shakes head.

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