Here there are I found them, OP @ekettera maybe you can incorporate some of the techniques to amplify your meditation or trance practices. For example, the Tratakam technique that @veil describes in her post. Having eyes closed and looking upwards. Third eye activator and induces a calm mind.
Hey All,
There are a lot of new magicians coming onto the forum, and I’ve noticed that some seem to be confused about the trance state required for magick so I thought I’d do a little info drop to help.
We talk a lot about the Theta/Gamma Sync here, but I think it is important to point out that Theta is not necessary for most magick. All you really need is an Alpha state, which is fairly simple to achieve. A state as deep as Theta is only necessary for the full physical manifestation of spirits, or what is known as evocation.
A simple rundown of the various brainwave states:
Beta - this is your every day waking consciousness.
Alpha - this is what is commonly called “deep relaxation” and is something that most people enter naturally when they watch TV or “zone out.”
Theta - is a deep trance state and you pass through it every night as you fall asleep and again as you wake up. It is also called the hynogogic state or the “mind-awake, body-asleep” state.
Delta - is the sleep state.
If you are interested in the science of brainwaves and the exact HZ of each state, there is plenty of information available on the web but it is unnecessary for our purposes here.
We all slide between Beta and Alpha all the time during the day, but what we need to learn for magick is how to consciously control it so we can use the state at will.
To enter an Alpha state, we can use a few simple tricks.
Progressive Relaxation - this is a method to relieve the surface tension of your body and…
Hello, potentially long post ahead. I wanted to share a meditation/trance technique that I essentially stumbled into not long ago, which has been working very reliably for me. It has also raised some questions which I would love to hear other people’s thoughts on.
Lately I have been spending a good chunk of time roaming around my own brain in a meditative and/or trance state. Initially I thought of it as “meditation”, but after reading further, I believe “trance” is a better way of describing it.
I will share the technique first:
I get comfortable in a seated position, eyes closed. Headphones on, playing a binaural track - this one is my favourite: Detachment from Overthinking & Stress | Boost Positive Healing Energy | DEEP THETA Binaural Beats HD - YouTube
Focus on steadily inhaling/exhaling for a few moments. If my thoughts wander, I detach myself from the thought by observing it without judgement, and bring my thoughts back to my breath. Eyes closed, and unfocused, fixed above my line of sight, in the middle-distance. Imagine it as fixing your gaze on your third eye, but from the inside of your skull. Interestingly I find that fixing your eyes in this way seems to mimic REM.
In my mind’s eye, first-person perspective, I picture a white void with a plain white door.
I open the door; inside is a black void, with a black staircase descending.
I descend the staircase. In first-person I watch my feet tread down each step, and hear my breath steadily inhaling an…
I decided to go ahead and cut and paste some of my psychic development methods in it’s own thread as to not have to keep sending it via individual PM.
I will start this off with the Original Void meditation. It’s what I have developed it to be the best sort of universal meditation to get you in the “zone” from where one can astral travel, spirit eavesdropping and many other activities one needs to be in a theta state. Binaural beats can be used to enhance the meditative state.
This is it, though there are many claims of the void meditation this is the original. I will outline the procedure in an easy to follow step by step guide.
The first phase involves achieving a state of ultimate relaxation. For this I will start us off with the 3 sun meditation. Now there are two ways to do the 3 star meditation. The first uses all three regular yellow suns the second uses a red, yellow, white star or sun. Thd choice is yours I simply added a color difference for the suns go speak to ths subconscious symbolically. The red represents the flesh earth and sensory and emotional mind. As you begin your meditation with the red sun you are telling your subconscious to relax that aspect of your mind and as the sun flows through your body from head to toe relaxing every muscle and tendon as it passes through you the aspect of your mind that is the red sensory mind is set at ease to further pull you into a deeper meditative state.
As the red sun leaves below and the yellow aproaches from above…
What the titles Said
I summoned Archangel Michael and Lilith Last month and I don’t which one of them was it but I felt in urge to learn how to get into a trance or to master a trance I bought a book the shows me how to get into one pretty much got it down
now my question is what do you do when your in a trance all I feel is nothingness just me staring at the endless void which is darkness sometime images would play like a montage video and my dreams for some reason have become incredibly vivid after learning this
My question is what do you do once you enter a trance