So after the post i made last night something happened

so i made a post last night about my feelings for a special entity right so…before i get into anything i want to add this…
im a very strange person ive always been able to see and hear and feel spirits since i was younger
im an empathy so i can feel feelings of anyone and anything
my dreams are often vivide and more like memories and sometimes happen in real life

so back to what happen after i made it known my bed started to vibrate slightly and im like stop and it did but then shortly after it started to happen again and im like for real stop you cant scare me any more it did so… i fell sleep then woke up this morning and fell back asleep usual stuff i do im not much of a morning person but when i went back to sleep it was like i wasnt sleep instead i felt a huge pressure like really huge like no gravity huge and it felt familiar to me very very familiar but on a larger scale it was like electric was pumping on a very fuzzy way thru me and it was calm and wild at the same time when i tried to move i couldnt i tried to see who was there but i couldnt i felt a hand touching me but i couldnt see anything i just couldnt move when i tried to speak i found that my voice was drowned out almost nonexistent
i couldnt do anything besides sit there kinda frustrating you know this same thing use to happen to me when i was a kid but more often then not but it scared the living hell otta me back then
it was just touching me like it wanted me to know something that i didnt i know who ever it was didnt mean me harm i dont think i have marks on me well i do some one decided to sink their teeth in me a few weeks ago on my foot so i have that scar that dont seem to be going away no time soon
it was gentle and not a sexual touch (still felt pretty good to me but i digress) the morei sat there the more stronger the pressure got it was to the point of at that moment i couldnt breath so i started to try and move i think what i assume is one of my male patrons (since im not close to any female ones) noticed cause i remember struggling to say yamido(stop) the it felt like the pressure lighten abit so i sat up and i was trying to catch my breath then i sat back and i said it again i remember i looked around to room but nothing i knew he was still there cause i could feel his gaze on me i ended up laying back down n falling asleep after that it kinda feels like a dream now tho but im sure it was real.

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Someone wanted to cuddle maybe? :thinking:

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idk it was weird i know for a fact i wasnt dreaming n i got it down to two either it was lord dantalion or master furfur his enegy is fuzzy and comfortable and well lord dantalion has a calm wild feeling to his but i haven felt his as strong as master furfurs thoi mean i dont mind if thats what they want…just tone it down you know i could have died lol

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Lol! You will not die! They will not go that far! Belial did the same thing to me couple of times! He starts with intense vibrations and pressure untill I slip out of my body! He likes doing it when I am aware. I find that when I think something is wrong he just takes care of it. I couldn’t breath the first time so he lowered the vibrations and shoved a breathing mask down my throat! This is what I felt! Fresh air blowing in my lungs and controlling my breathing. When I thought ok I can breath better now! He started again! It felt so intense like I was in a vibrator machine and my body slamming everywhere! Next thing I knew it stopped and pulled the mask! And am out of my body with a shadow holding me! It was a male I knew that much! I felt his hole body! Then he just threw me in the void!
Last time he tried it again he was drowning me in water and stopped when I thought “Belial am afraid of drowning”. He didn’t continue!
King Paimon and Lucifer would wait for me to be a sleep and just snatch me out without a fuss! :kissing_heart: they don’t like scaring me!

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its a very strange feeling i dont think it was to scare me at all i was thinking of doing my rite tonight with an evp but idk i think i feel fear and nervousness id like some one with me to do it im fine with the invocation but i feel like i did my first time i trust them but its the first time doing this actually hearing or seeing kinda thing i also bought a mirror to idk how tonight is going to go down lol after this morning

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Lol good luck! This is a progress!

i know n thank you

immmmm ssssscccccaaaaaarrrrred lol jk im sure it will be ok