Snakes, paradigm and advice

After three years of research, studies, unwitting seals I started to create my own personal paradigm. It all starts with the Primordial Serpent and his countless incarnations and avatars Kukulkan, Apophis, Nidhogg, Anaceta, Yig and others. My personal goal is spiritual improvement which is reflected in turn by the physical one. Meditating on ouroboros I realized it is a mark, a curse of eternal repetition and rebirth. All that we are and have done has already happened over and over again and by realizing this truth you are able to break this stigma. Not breaking it but transforming it. The snake will no longer bite its tail but will find itself in the circle and will realize, they will realize. Like the symbol of Set, the Serpent God from the Conan the Barbarian cycle. This is why I chose Set as an avatar to work with, establish a relationship of trust and respect. Both for the symbol it represents and let’s admit for a fact of pop culture. The goal is not simply to learn this truth but to prepare for what comes next. And what will happen next? At best you reunite with the primal serpent while retaining your individuality enjoying the fruits of your labor or become a Set yourself. Once you learn the truth you are not automatically “saved” from the curse of eternal recurrence. You have to improve yourself, you are a snake that has to shed its skin both spiritually and physically. Seals, liturgies, setting up an altar and meditating on the serpent are not enough. You have to go to the gym, eat healthy, cut down on the vices. I’ve lost weight, I have more sculpted facial alignments, I’ve quit smoking, I drink a beer once a week. The only vice that doesn’t want to go away is sexual desire but as chaotic we know very well that we need this thing, especially with seals. Now … I wanted to tell you all this why? First of all, even for what little it’s worth, sharing an idea that could also inspire anyone. Second, since I’m a beginner, a novice I ask you: how can I improve this system of mine? I am open to advice but also to criticism in order to improve this idea. Any help is welcome.