Snake dream (my interpretation) I had during full moon

I got this dream after being frustrated with my new relationship and asking my spirit guides some help to decide what to do. As a background, I tend to give up relatively easily and burn bridges and this was something I was considering to do once again.

I was somewhere in Africa and I was part of a group which was supposed to catch snakes for antivenom production or something. Some man instructed how to calmly catch a snake with this spesific stick and insert to a bag. I was kinda hoping the snakes would be released afterwards but I guess it wasn’t meaningful. I don’t like snakes but I respect the fact that they have their homes and should have their peace.

First there werent any snakes, but then they started to appear everywhere. One red-black small snake was in my feet but for some reason I ignored it. I noticed this huge, kind of flat headed black snake and decided to catch that one. I was terrified but it didn’t try to attack me and went to the bag quite easily. Everyone was surprised I was able to catch that one and it was a general ”good job, now since I had courage to do it I can stop cathing them” -feeling. The instructor told me that was well done, but as a beginner I should have not picked that one since it was highly dangerous. But in general he was happy and everything was just fine.

So my interpretation is:

It’s easy to pick familiar, easy solution and repeat old patterns. Alternatively I can try something new that includes big risks (if the snake would have bitten I’d get really badly injured) and learn new skills & get rewarding feeling. There are no rewards without taking risks but I should preferably take baby steps, start from smaller before proceeding to bigger snakes (steps). So, no running away from a situation.

Another meaning could be ”worst case scenarios rarely come into realization if you approach the situation with calm mind”.

Feel free to point out if I may be missing some important point or share your recent full moon dreams with own interpretation

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