Sleep deprivation, day one today:

Hey balg members today tis the first day of my sleep deprivation so not much tis going on because my gosh darn perpetual filters are still on, but that’s gonna change, I’m gonna stay up until Sunday, starting from Friday today towards Sunday, I’m planning on evoking Anubis the living Egyptian god of death so I can ask him questions if I may darkestknight said: in theta tis for full manifestations for all spirits oh and spirits can touch you in a Theta state how do I know just remembered last year whenever I twas sleep deprived a hand touched me and I immediately jumped outta my skin dead scared​:scream:and everyone twas asleep too, so Be carful In Theta the world whenever conscious meets the spirits tis dangerous, just ask my father he twas sleep deprived and felt hands wrapping around him he thought it twas his wife but whenever he turned around no one twas there, bah bah dummm, but seriously though my experience with sleep deprivation tis only the beginning, my father sleep deprived him while doing dishes and felt hands around him and looked nothing there, me??? a spirit physically touched me while I twas in a theta state via sleep deprivation, I’ll keep y’all updated tomorrow I’m gonna meditate and listen to music to keep me alert and conscious, Multiverse Blessings and no negative​:-1:Comments please these are my legit experiences with me my father and physic stepmother, i still live life towards the fullest with my birth mother though​:milky_way::milky_way::milky_way:


Have anyone of you sleep deprived yourselves and felt a spirit physically touch you in theta sync what about soul travel via sleep deprivation please write your positive stories in the comments below please.

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I have yes. One day i was super tired and so I went to bed. But while in bed, i felt something like a hand stroke through my hair from behind. I was so tired + scared that I didn’t turn around, but it was pretty interesting. I also had an experience some years ago when i woke up at around 2 or 3 am and so i was pretty tired, and what i saw was the whole room was filled with this bright red light. There was no source of the light, but the whole room was illuminated by this bright red. It almost felt like I was in the depth of hell or something but to this day I have no idea what it was.


I’m feeling dreary and I keep dozing off while rocking in my warm chair my latest sleep deprivation story I kept dozing off and whenever I brought my awareness back I slip into theta in the end of my unintentional progress so I’m saying it’s okay to doze off whenever you’re trying to slip into theta via sleep deprivation as Long as you don’t doze for more than 1-2 hours, FYI coffees your bff just don’t drink too much of it. Keep the stories coming everyone all true sleep deprivation stories welcomed no negative comments allowed still.

A red room interesting I think the spirits whenever your entering your theta state via sleep deprivation are trying to get your attention oh and FYI if you ever feel your in danger with physical spirits via sleep deprivation-theta state here’s what I do: envision yourself in a unbreakable force field bubble of lights mines made outta black obsidian in my minds eyes for obvious reasons besides darkestknight said in theta sync via sleep deprivation you can cast spells and I’m pretty sure you can see the spells fling from your hands I mean if the spirits can physically touch us in theta via sleep deprivation then we can have our fun too​:milky_way::butterfly::snowflake::heart::yum::crystal_ball::ok_hand::grin:But in alpha state you won’t probably see crud just being truthful but great for beginners if you want the meat of magic and physical spirits entering theta via sleep deprivation tis the way to do it yes you’ll be sorta sleepy but it’ll be worth it take it from my father and me my theta sync via sleep deprivation.

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Nice. You mind if I join you on this journey? I plan to do the same as you and then do an evocation on Sunday. I heard Azazel clearly and heard footsteps in my room when I was sleep deprived. And when I woke up out of my sleep I had seen him.

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I don’t see why not but I have to warn you I’m still a newbie and rookie with sleep deprivation but this time I have clear intentions and coffee too lol😂I wanna evoke Anubis the Egyptian living god of death not only because I have questions but I got the hots for him lol, so yeah sleep deprivation tis a ancient art to deeply and Enter theta sync but here’s the thing you can’t sleep or else you’re minds filters shall turn back on anyways I’m gonna cast a love spell for someone once I Enter theta via sleep deprivation I pretty sure magic particles can be seen in theta via sleep deprivation because we’ll be in the world of the living and spirits but if the spirits can touch us physically in theta sync via sleep deprivation I don’t see why not, so yeah for example if I closed my eyes and visualized a sphere of light in the palm of my hands and reopen them it be there but here’s the thing other people who aren’t in theta sync via sleep deprivation they’ll be like what the heck are you doing because y’all be the only one seeing the lights in your hands but if you did it with a group then they see it, welcome and no negative comments please.

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Of course, no worries.

I know a youtube channel that works with Anubis and is married to him:

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Oh man so he’s taken, son of a b*tch, excuse my language, wait a minute aren’t living gods omnipresent meaning theirs more than one☝️Of them but still I wished to be the one to mingle with him and I don’t wanna highly evoke him and ask if he’s single then that would be extremely awkward tis there any solution towards this???

When you marry a god or deity that is an ancient being they will always have more than one spouse. Him being ‘taken’ is not an issue as marrying a deity does not mean they are monogamous. Deities and gods are multi-dimensional beings.

I hope you are not just evoking Anubis in the hopes of marriage with him and having a sexual relationship. It is alright if that is your goal eventually but if it’s the sole purpose as to why you want to be around him without ever having communication with him then he’d definitely not be worth his time. Remember gods/deities/demons often times know why you’re evoking them before you even evoke them and are aware of what your intentions can be.

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Right gotta start thinking outside the box first we’ll introduce one another get to know one another for like a month or two then we’ll go on adventures I’m known to plan things for the future I also have questions for him I want his support in seeing the future through theta via sleep deprivation I’m pretty sure he’d be a huge help and I know he’d probably would make a entrance whenever it comes to evocation I’d probably too, tell you what how about once we’re both sleep deprived on Sunday we help each other out with summoning our specific spirits, but wait would Anubis look like what I see in my minds eye I gotta picture and I’d like him to take this form in the picture that I see besides deity’s can be evoked with pictures right and would he look like the Anubis in the picture??? So you said you’ve seen Azazel with your eyes tell me you’re experience what were you feeling what were you thinking when you rose outta your bed in Theta via sleep deprivation

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And deities most times take a form they prefer to. It won’t be how you imagined most times.

I woke up and noticed I was in sleep paralysis. I was calm till I looked to right and over towering over me was Azazel. He was really tall. 7ft+ and had a skull head with goat horns. Everything else was black and he just stood there. I was scared shitless and literally my heart was beating so fast. I calmed myself down in my mind by saying things like, “it’s okay.” I was then free from sleep paralysis. I sat up half way and smiled at him and reached my hand out before I went back to sleep. I didn’t process it till the next morning. I thought it was B.S till I confirmed with others on the forum and they saw him in the same form.

Below is a diary entry and a picture of his form. I’m gonna record a youtube video explaining the events from that night. Keep in mind everything happened in a span of a minute or two.

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Feel free to PM me

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Nightly news, have y’all ever heard of sleep biphasic basically where you sleep for 3 hours and wake back up this tis to help us all with controlled sleep deprivation And theta, if I’m wrong about anything please let me know ASAP.

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Day two: i think, I dozed off last night until 10:00 in the morning today did I loose my progress because I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes still looked deeply sleep deprived what do y’all think, last night in my sight everything twas fuzzy looking I don’t see anything yet or outta the ordinary guess we’ll have to see about the third day tomorrow because that’s where it all tis worth it, I dozed off last night but didn’t have any dreams no dreams means I didn’t fully sleep so that means I’m still in the games I think, while I twas dozing off I twas still conscious though and could clearly hear my mother upon her iPhone talking towards her bffs must’ve been in sleep paralyze unknowingly but I think I twas in theta unknowingly when I twas still conscious of the world around me, I don’t think my progress has been lost I only dozed off because I got my covid 19 booster vaccination shot and my muscles were killing me but after I dozed off my muscles restored themselves immediately but how do I know I’m still sleep deprived because I still feel tired-some and if there’s nothing on Sunday then I let y’all know what happens upon Monday on Martin Luther king day. T.B.C.

someone deleted their post and I don’t know why??? I dozed off last night but I didn’t dream either I don’t think I lost any progress what do you think, if I did I still gotta until Monday, please respond ASAP Multiverse Blessings.

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well i ended up passing out lol. im gonna retry.

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Agreed this day still counts normally I’m a strong hearted night owl but the side effects of the covid 19 vaccine booster twas too strong I needed to let my muscles restore themselves or else I twas gonna have a challenging time all well I’m not giving up I’m also thinking about mentally evoking Yahweh when I become sleep deprived either Sunday or Monday either way I got very important questions for him too I’m gonna ask him what kinda living god I twas i before I reincarnated as a living god in human form I know I’m kind hearted and can sometimes easily forgive others but I hate liars and love the blue moon don’t know if I reincarnated before but people forget who they once were before they’re reborn my spirits probably around probably infinity old yours too probably we could be ancient, but don’t worry I’m gonna cast a unbreakable protection bubble around myself before I mentally evoke him, I suggest you do the same before evoking Azazel better safe than to be deeply sorry you know at least we’re both making progress.

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Second true sleep deprivation story of mine this ones for positive motivation for helping those slip into theta sync via sleep deprivation: It twas a very long time ago I think I twas around 14-15 years old and twas unknowingly sleep deprived, as I twas making a thing of microwaveable chicken soup or I think it twas Mac & cheese🧀I waited for my food and then as I grabbed my fork🍴from the clean dishwasher I open it up steaming hot cha cha, I took a couple bites then looked inside…

It twas spiders​:spider:I wished to scream :scream:so loud and high that I’d wake everyone up in the entire multiverse including Yahweh and Lucifer Morningstar, I didn’t know what sleep deprivation twas back then because I twas too young in my so called former glory days of lights, so I threw it away and that twas that, and so here I am still shocked at what I knew I twas experiencing many of those years ago twas theta sync highly Note​:memo:to self never eat food whenever you’re in theta sync via sleep deprivation, take my words heavily to heart​:heart:Multiverse Blessings please write your positive comments/true stories down below.

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I do amphetamine and sleep depravate regularry, my sleeping patterns differ from human, i study reptilian brain and evolution, its in my honest opinion only way to “occult” when everyone is more or less crazy.

i have evoked egyptian set, hekate and isis with differing results but i only work with living being or dearly departet, earthlings, humanism, earth defences etc…

alot of psy-ops and federal agency stuff too but they are pervert, they missused “all-seeing” eye drastically and are now in psychotic state with actual immortals…