Skrying of the tattvas

I trying to do this.But so far I am unsuccessful. How many tries did you guys take to be successful?

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What technique are you using?

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Konstantinos summoning spirits

In that technique you are essentially travelling into the elemental realm of the tattvas.

The gaze used is similar to EA’s technique to open spirit seals.

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Come to think of it I saw some things but those weren’t discernable.

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Practice is the only way to improve. The book says to only do the exercise once a week to prevent elemental imbalances, but I’d stick to one tattva daily for a week and then move on to the opposite so you remain in balnce. So if you were scrying into the Tejas (Fire) tattva for a week, the next one should be Apas (water).

As my culture so constantly reminds the youth “Constancy is the path to Apotheosis”.And I believe this does need constancy.

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